The Welcome House is pleased to announce the opening of The Barbara House in Fergus Falls, MN! The Barbara House is a monitored, sober-living home for women. Our home will utilize the Social Model of Recovery to support our residents on their path to long-term sobriety. Residents will benefit from peer support, accountability, stable housing while building a social support system to reach their goals. We will open our home to 5 women at this time, although we could easily fill beds for 10 women based on the amount of need in our community.
Our home has a Live-In Manager who will support our residents in daily support and living skills and we will also utilize mentors from the community for additional support for our residents.
Interested in becoming involved as a volunteer or mentor? Reach out our Executive Director, Tausha at 218-998-4779.
You can also support our Sober-Living Home by donating to and shopping at Welcome Thrift behind Fleet Farm, on College Way in Fergus Falls.