April 2024 Newsletter

March Food Drives!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the churches, businesses, organizations, and individuals who contribute backpack food items to feed 800 food insecure kids weekly! Just to name a few: Trivia Team with John and Mike, Gnarly Gar Marina and Bar and their patrons, School of the Heights, Trinity Baptist, Women of the Moose, St Paul's Episcopal Church Federal Point, Grace Fellowship Church, Christ Independent Methodist, Liberty Church, Watson Realty, and many more! Thank you all so very much!

Trinity Baptist Church

School of the Heights

St Paul's Episcopal Church Federal Point 

Grace Fellowship Church

Trivia Hosted by John Skidmore Jr & Mike Eidson and Gnarly Gar Marina and Bar and their patrons not only collected 70 food items during Trivia Nights, they raised $368.00 to donate to Feed the Need of Putnam County!

April Collection

May Collection Breakfast Bars!

Examples: Nutri-Grain bars, Kind bars, granola bars, cereal bars, fig bars, pop tarts, etc.

2024 Putman County Fair

Feed the Need of Putnam County had fun hosting a fair booth again this year! The FTN booth was awarded 1st PLACE! It was certainly a group effort to pull everything together! Thank you to Executive Director Denise Bramlitt, Board Members Jackie Porter, Becci Motes, Brittany Goodson, Renee Hough, Julia Warwick, Bud McInnis, Ashley McCool, Community Liaison Stacey Eisold and of course all of the FTN volunteers that stepped up to run the booth throughout the week!

Basket Winners!

Thank you to all that stopped by the booth this year to sign up for our newsletter and entered to win one of two baskets! Congratulations to these adorable winners!



Canned Goods Day

A big thank you to the Putnam County Fair Board for selecting Feed the Need to receive canned goods on Can Day! The donated food will help fill numerous family bags that will be distributed to families in need within our Putnam County Schools.

In Loving Memory of Mary JoAnn Thompson

This newsletter is a heartfelt tribute to Mary JoAnn Thompson, honored through monthly donations to Feed the Need of Putnam County by her devoted sons.

Memorial Donations

If you would like to honor your loved one with a Memorial Donation please reach out to us at or 386-937-3862.

FTN's sponsorship program lets your loved one's memory continue in a positive way. Sponsorships may be made in someone's name to honor the memory of someone you love.

Stay tuned for more on the 2024 Gala

Don't get left at the train station, secure your table sponsorship now!

Annual Fall Gala: Saturday, September 21, 2024

Time: 5:30pm-10:00pm

Location: Putnam County Shrine Club

Theme: Wild Wild West - Dress: 1883 to Present Day Yellowstone

Ticket Donation: Individual $75.00 - Limited Availability

Last Year’s Event Sold Out Early

(we will announce when tickets are on sale)

Call 386-937-3862 for information about event/table Sponsorship

School Pantries

We are proud of our partners at the Putnam County Schools. The Pantry Coordinators work around their busy schedules with the children to keep the pantries clean and organized and most importantly making sure the food gets sent home with the identified children each Friday!

We need your Google Reviews

Submitting a Google review is a quick and non-monetary way to help Feed the Need! Giving a good review and sharing your experience or thoughts about FTN will help others in the community to be aware of the great things FTN is contributing to Putnam County Students. Click on the Google picture to link directly to review.

Great Nonprofits

If you love our work then tell the world! You have an opportunity to help us make even more of a difference in our community. Great Nonprofits-a review site like TripAdvisor-is honoring highly reviewed nonprofits with their 2024 Top-Rated Awards. Will you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us? All reviews will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes!

Click on the logo for the link!

Facebook Birthday Fundraisers

 Facebook Birthday fundraisers are a fun way to support FTN! In Facebook, click on the square made out of dots in the top right corner, choose Fundraiser at the bottom right. Please find Feed The Need of Putnam County for your next Birthday Fundraiser!!

Feed the Need of Putnam County

PO Box 1321, Palatka, FL 32177

(386) 937-3862

Food Donation Drop Off: 

110 N State Rd 19

Palatka, FL 32177

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