Night-time Acupuncture?? The Spring Wood Treatment Returns - Schedule Opens at Noon this Sunday!
Night-time Acupuncture??
We are pleased to announce the return of the next seasonal five element treatment at the clinic, coming up on the eve of the Spring Equinox, to usher in the season of Wood, according to Chinese Medicine.

If you are new to the clinic since the pandemic, or never delved into these special treatments before, these treatments are offered only five times a year, and are created to offer a potent, time-specific treatment, to help you usher in a new season energetically.

These treatments are simple, but powerful... only four points on the body are needled.

Why are we offering acupuncture at 11:00 at night??

If you've heard of the Meridian Cycle of Qi, or the idea that at certain times of day, your body's energy is doing more "work" in certain organ systems, then this won't be totally new to you.

Throughout the day and night, your body's Qi is circulating all thru the body, much like we think about blood and various hormones, neurotransmitters, etc, circulating. Every two hours it shifts focus to a new meridian, completing all 12 of the major organ meridians in a period of 24 hours.

The Gall Bladder Meridian and its paired Yin organ, the Liver, are thought to be the most active from 11pm-3am. Your dedicated, Five Element-trained, acupuncturist, Anne Louise, will be at the clinic from 11pm-1am, to give the "Wood Treatment" to the lucky few of you that get a spot. The date is selected based on the official beginning of Spring, and the points selected are the strongest "Wood points" on the Wood channels... so you see why it's so potent!!

But don't worry, if you can't get a spot or would prefer to be home sleeping at that hour, we've still got you! Come on in for some acupuncture during the springtime, and we can help you support those Liver and Gall Bladder energies.

This energy specifically helps you to transition out of deep winter hibernation/rest/slower mode, into the more active, action-oriented, and creative plan-making energies of spring.

These organ systems are believed to govern our ability to make plans, take action, and make decisions, as well as overseeing our sleep and our ability to think with clarity and precision. So as you may gather, these are some of the most important energies in the body that affect our lives daily.

Read below for more info on the Wood Treatment. You can also check out our Seasonal Treatments page on the website HERE to read about the other treatments offered during the year. Happy (almost) Spring! ~ Rachel

Spring Wood Treatment Returns!

Spring Wood Five Element Acupuncture Treatment
Saturday, March 19th, 2022
at the clinic, with Anne Louise
Limited Space Available -
$60/treatment or one off your package

**BOOKING OPENS at Noon on Sunday (tomorrow!)**

Anne Louise Smallen, Lic. Ac.

The Spring energy shows up in nature as phenomenal growth, nature rejuvenating itself, and greening. That same impulse affects us and is at its height at that precise time of the year.

The Liver and Gall Bladder are the meridians that we are treating and we are specifically targeting the Wood points on these Wood meridians. 

The first point GB 41 is located on the top of the foot and is called Governor of Tears because of its influence on eye health. The second point LR 1 is called Big Mound because it is located on the big toe and is the entrance to the Liver meridian. But at this time of year, they also encourage us to nurture the Wood element in our lives.

The Wood meridians are often used to treat the following symptoms:

Acute pain (sciatica, hip pain, neck and shoulder pain), anger, irritability and frustration, eye disorders, genital and urinary problems, incontinence, menstrual cycle problems or pain, infertility, headaches and phlegm (nodules in the breast or the throat, for example). 

The Liver also governs the cycle of day and night and treating the meridian when the Wood energy is at its highest is powerful in helping sleep regulation. In addition, the Gall Bladder meridian governs good judgment, courage and decisiveness.

Email Rachel if you have trouble booking or are unable to use the online system.

BOOK HERE - Click here to schedule an appointment!


Northampton Community Acupuncture 413-586-8251