Wish I had better news on the financial front:  So far our fundraising efforts have been a bust.   We've been turned down on two of the three grants we submitted.  We still have one pending, and submitted one more to try and make up for the two rejected applications.

What this means is that for now we can maintain the status quo with the teams we've got, but we don't yet have the capacity to add new team members and new sites.  So if you are waiting to receive training and join a team, please be patient, we're not giving up--everyone at the Conservancy is committed to this project and we will find a way.    


Grant_s Creek flows into Silver Creek which flows into the North River.  We will refresh our testing skills here
Grant's Creek flows into Silver Creek which then flows into the North River.  We will refresh our water testing skills here, right beside the new Community Room.
Spring Water Team Meeting  
...at the NEW Grant's Woods Community Room! 

If you are part of a water team (have taken the Ontario Streams training and been assigned a site), OR you would like to come and see what we do, please fill out this Doodle Poll as quickly as possible.

Fill out ALL dates and times you are available for:  

We will look over the 2015 Water Report, discuss new protocols, and refresh our water testing skills in Grant's Creek. 

Please bring all water testing equipment you have to this meeting.     

Meagan and Trudy made the right call on March 29th and took a "pass" testing in these dangerous waters
Testing the Waters
What started out as a mild and fairly dry spring turned into flood watches from Kawartha Conservation and more snowstorms than April should have right to inflict. 

Our early hopes for getting the teams out testing for spring run-off have had to wait, although those of you with headwater sites have managed to get out.  For everyone else it's a waiting game. 

WQ1 - Sedge Wren Marsh -  is completely out of the question because Wylie Road is flooded just above Ron's cabin.  Perch Creek is over Meagan's Hip Waders as it goes under Doyle Road. 

So don't be a hero - use good judgement - there will be plenty of time to get out there and monitor our sites.    

Four Ways to Send in Your Results:   
In all instances, fill out a monitoring sheet by hand at your site and drop it in to the office when you have the chance.  The monitoring sheets are available at the office, or you can download them from the dropbox site. 

To send in your results right after testing you have four options:
1.  Drop the monitoring sheet off at the office right away.
2.  Go on dropbox, browse to your site, and fill in your results online.
3.  Take a photo of your monitoring sheet and email it to dorthea@couchconservancy.ca
4.  Request a copy of your monitoring sheet in word, fill it in, and email it to dorthea@couchconservancy.ca 

As we said above, we need to get your original copy of the monitoring sheet eventually so please keep it in a safe place.