The latest news from the Virginia Department of Transportation on plans to improve Route 7.
In This Issue:
Stay Connected
> Learn about noise walls
Proposed stormwater management
Schedule a meeting with your HOA
Funding update

Latest HOA meetings

Give input on design updates June 16 at Colvin Run
Join the project team at a public information meeting for the latest details on project design, preliminary noise findings, and stormwater management. 

Thursday, June 16
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Residents at Sept. 2015 PIM

Colvin Run Elementary

1400 Trap Road
Vienna, VA 22182

A presentation on noise analysis and stormwater management begins at 7 p.m.

A design public hearing is also expected to be  scheduled for this fall.

Past meeting resources, including questions and comments received at the September 2015 info meeting, with responses from the project team, are available at

See all past meeting materials >>

NoisewallsLearn about noise walls

The project team is currently completing the preliminary noise study for the corridor.
Example noise source and barrier placement.
Preliminary results, including proposed noise wall locations will be available for review at the meeting June 16.

The criteria for noise walls involves three questions:
Is there a noise impact?
Is the barrier reasonable?
Is the barrier feasible?
When am I considered impacted by traf fic noise?
For residential areas to be considere d impacted, and therefore warrant investigation of noise abatement, the property must ex perience  either of the following conditions:

>> Projected year 2040 traffic noise levels reach 66 decibels or greater. 66 dB(A) (A denotes weighted for human hearing) is the volume in which two people can hold a conversation standing three feet apart without needing to raise their voices.

>> Projected year 2040 traffic noise levels are greater than existing noise level by 10 decibels or more. 

When is a noise wall considered reasonable?

Reasonableness refers to the cost effectiveness of the noise wall, where the total surface area of the barrier is divided by the number of benefited receptors (typically one per residence, regardless of number of occupants).  VDOT's approved cost is based on a maximum square footage (1,600 square feet) of abatement per benefited receptor.  At least one of the benefitted receptors should receive noise reduction of 7 dB(A) for a barrier to be considered reasonable.   
Click for brochure

When is a noise wall considered feasible?  
A noise wall is considered feasible when its installation is able to reduce projected noise levels by at least 5 dB(A) for at least half of impacted receptors. It must also be able to be physically constructed and maintained based on site conditions and topography to be considered feasible.  

Noise wall eligibility is based on Federal Highway Administration and VDOT criteria. We encourage you to check out more VDOT resources about noise walls online:

Overview of noise barrier walls >>
StormwaterProposed stormwater management

VDOT is committed to ensuring stormwater runoff from its roads and facilities complies with federal and state environmental regulatory requirements.

VDOT: Stormwater Management
VDOT: Stormwater Management
Each stormwater management facility situation is unique. Locations are selected at existing outfalls and low points in topography. All stormwater management facilities are designed and located to minimize impacts to existing wetlands, streams, and private properties, while meeting federal and state environmental regulations as well as being conscientious to cost of construction and maintenance. 

At the information meeting on June 16, you can review the current stormwater management design, and the team will give a presentation on how this project addresses stormwater management. 

Watch this video for VDOT's general approach to stormwater management design.

See more info on stormwater management >> 
FundingUpdate on project funding 

The project is currently broken into two phases for right-of-way and construction and ranked as part of the overall  House Bill Two (HB2) prioritization process, which focuses to invest limited tax dollars in projects that meet the most critical transportation needs for the entire state. 

The first phase of the project, from just east of Colvin Forest Drive to Jarrett Valley Drive, has been included in the draft funding scenario by the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) to be fully funded through construction. The CTB, Virginia's governing body for transportation funding, will select projects to be included in the state's  six-year program by July 1, 2016. 

See how the Route 7 projects score compared with other projects in northern Virginia >>
HOASchedule a visit to your homeowners association 

The Route 7 team is available to meet resident or business groups. Since January, we've met with:
Colvin's Landing Community Association     
W olftrap Meadows HOA
Colvin's Glen Citizens Association
Middleton HOA
Towlston Meadow HOA
Bradley Oaks HOA
Shouse Village HOA
Shain Court Community
Hawthorne at Great Falls HOA
Old Ash Grove Community
Great Falls Crossing HOA
Cedar Chase at Great Falls HOA
Lockmeade HOA
Wolf Trap Woods Homes Association
Coventry Springs HOA
Great Falls Glen HOA
Lexington Estates HOA
Northfalls Court Community
Upcoming: Locust Hill HOAs

Contact us to schedule a visit to your association.
Give input and feedback today 
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