Spring 2019
First, we would like to thank you for all of your support in 2018

Because of your generous donations several kitties received dental surgery.
Poe, Bubba, Jetta, Seamus and Zoe no longer have mouth pain. All of these kitties started out their lives in unhealthy environments. We aim to give them better care for the rest of their lives.


We found homes for 60 kitties. Thirty two of them were adults.

*We took in two pregnant kitties.
*Our oldest kitty who was adopted was 18 years old!

*We found homes for 6 kitties whose original owners were dying and needed a safe place for their kitties to go.

*We found homes for 6 pairs of kitties who needed to be adopted together.

One pair was Denver and Dara
They were abandoned at a local pet store after their owner died. They were adopted by a wonderful couple who take great care of them.

Those no longer with us
We said goodbye to three of our long time residents and one newbie.
Forever in our hearts will be Autumn, Mocha, Dusty and Victor
Sanctuary kitties

*We took in 6 kitties to live at the sanctuary.
*One who only had months to live.
*Two from a domestic abuse situation.
*Two with FIV
* And Henry who was minutes away from being euthanized. Our sanctuary director, Terry, was doing an internship with a local vet when to her great horror a couple walked in to put down a perfectly healthy cat. She alerted the board and it was a unanimous vote to accept him.

*We are blessed to have 60 volunteers. These dedicated volunteers come in at least once a week to care for the kitties.
*We have volunteers who come in once a month to do a deep clean of the sanctuary.
*And we have the most amazing foster care volunteers. These wonderful people open their homes and their hearts to care for the most needy of our kitties.
Kitten season always brings in the biggest need, but we also have those who have health concerns that we can't address in the regular sanctuary setting.
In Foster Homes
*Mitter came in from the county last year. He is
a sweetheart and has HIV.
*Sophie needs daily medication for her thyroid.
*Simmy was rescued from the county.
Simmy is blind and has neurological issues.
She is thriving in her foster home with lots
of love and a kitty friend.
*Many thanks to Jason Miller Photography for capturing our kitties unique personalities.
Jason has won many prizes for his photography, but our favorite of his prize winning pictures is of Kai. Kai won the Face of Animal Defense League of Arizona.
And to one of our newest volunteers who has become the
" Man With The Plan ", Devran. Devran has taken our falling apart sanctuary to a grand living space of light and height.
He has worked countless hours to get the kitties and volunteers a spectacular structure that withstands the weather and the kitties bad habits as well as giving us a kitchen with a sink. Who needs the finer things in life. Give us a separate area to prepare food and a sink to wash up in.
There's Always More To Do
In a couple of weeks we will be starting our
Spring Fundraiser

Each Spring, Arizonans open their hearts and wallets to support their favorite causes. It’s a whirlwind of online giving and the impacts of #ArizonaGivesDay are long-lasting for nonprofit animal rescues like
Save The Cats Arizona.
Please consider a one time gift, or a monthly donation, to help save homeless animals in the community from an uncertain future.

Donations are being accepted early this year. You can jump over to AZGivesDay for Save The Cats AZ and donate now.
Many Thanks for your continued support
Katrina K. Caviedes
Katrina K. Caviedes
Save The Cats AZ | www.savethecatsaz.org