APRIL 2017 

In This Issue



Our inaugural online voting did not yield very favorable results but we hope with more time to educate the membership on how it works and why it is important to be involved in the process; we will get more participation next year.  We only had 47 members vote.  See the body of newsletter for results.

The Board would like to thank  Toni Roberts , Elections Coordinator, for helping us put this system in place and troubleshooting the areas that need improvement for future years to run smoothly through the process.
Want to Volunteer?

Would you like to serve on a committee?  We have the following committees that need volunteer help: 






Meeting Planning



Please e-mail:

Volunteer Interest 

   Join Us For Lunch at our next Membership Meeting


June 24, 2017


Remember the Member
$200 rebate to convention

applicable to the first 15 registrants - offer expires April 27, 2017

When you serve on the chapter board there is always an opportunity to be sent to the National Convention to attend the Chapter Volunteer Orientation Program (CVOP); which is organized by the National AMTA office and is taught by either National Board Members or highly qualified guest speakers.  Although the training changes a little bit year-to-year there is always one underlining message that they want the attendee to bring back to the chapter, and that is,  "Remember the Member!"

When your chapter board meets and votes on agenda items we are always trying to do what is best for the majority of our members and not go with the consensus of the board alone.  Therefore, we have voted and approved that we would like to offer the members the opportunity to save a lot of money in regards to your National Convention registration costs.

That's right; we are going to give the first 15 people who sign up for a full registration to the National Convention, which is being held in Pasadena, California from September 14th - 16th, a $200 rebate check to help offset the cost of attendance.  You will go online to:  https://www.amtamassage.org/education/AMTA-2017-National-Convention/Registration.html and log into your account and pay the entire $395 cost and we will get notified by National which will prompt the Financial Administrator,  Moon (Alicia) Chong , to send a check to you in the amount of $200.  We will be using your AMTA member profile address so make sure all of your information is updated.  This offer will expire April 27, 2017 or once we reach 15 applicants - whichever comes first.  If you have already registered you will be eligible and counted in - so no need to contact us.

If you would like to know if the offer is still available before you register please contact me prior to registering.

Laurie L. Pratt - LMT, BCTMB
AMTA-GA Chapter President
The National AMTA awards program has a long history of showing appreciation by acknowledging its members.  Our AMTA-Georgia Chapter has followed suit.  We will be having this very important yearly awards ceremony at the membership meeting on June 24, 2017.

This is the perfect opportunity for you as AMTA members to use your voice, and nominate someone for one of these very special awards:

  • The Chapter Meritorious Award
  • The President's Award
  • Humanitarian, Retiring Officer/Board Member, Committee Chairs, and Certificates of Appreciation 

AMTA New Chapter Board Members and Delegates
In January we sent out an email to all Professional members with a link that allowed them to go to a 3rd party site and vote for the positions that were open for election.  Below are the results as well as the positions that will be open and up for election in January 2018.  So if you are interested in running next year please get in touch with a current board member so they can start to mentor you for the particular position you would like to volunteer for.
2017 Chapter Elections
Both positions are for a two-year term (2017-2019)
  • Board Member - Judy LeFave                
  • Financial Administrator - Alicia (Moon) Chong
Delegates elected to two-year term (2017-2019)
  • Laurie Pratt
  • Clea Etheridge
2018 Chapter Elections 
All positions are for a two-year term (2018-2020)
  • President (Laurie Pratt - current/not running)
  • Board Member (Vivian Davis - current/2 terms served already)
  • Secretary (Linda Christie - current/2 terms served already)
1 or more Delegates and at least 2 Alternate Delegates to be elected in 2018

W hat's The Best Online Scheduling Software for Massage Therapists?
By Reid Peterson, MA, CMT

For many Massage Therapists there's a point in our career when we ask ourselves "What can make work easier?" It's natural to think this way. We strive for convenience, helping us to save time and reduce stress in our lives.
For Massage Therapists, a common strategy to make work easier is to start using an online scheduling software. Online scheduling helps you save time by reducing unnecessary communication and eliminating all the back-and-forth of calling, texting, or emailing to reschedule with clients.

What I've seen as a common problem for Massage Therapists is not knowing which online scheduling software to use. We get recommendations from colleagues and friends but are often limited to the reasons why we should use a certain recommended software.

Knowing which online scheduling software to use can be tricky because your practice may have unique needs that are very different from other Massage Therapists. For example, you may mix out-call appointments with sessions held at your office and you want to make sure the calendar accommodates for the time it takes to travel. For this reason, it's hard to know if the recommendations that come your way are the right fit for your practice.

To determine the best online scheduling software for your practice, think about these four things: pricing, how easy or difficult it is to set up, if the software is responsive, and how it captures payment information. For the remainder of this article, I'm going to expand on each topic that was just mentioned.

The best online scheduling software for your practice is reasonably priced. It's neither cheap or expensive, but rather, priced at an amount that makes you think "this is worth it". There are good free software, there are ones that are too expensive, but the best are somewhere in between.

After doing extensive research about costs of software, I've concluded the amount of $25/month to be a reasonable price for a software that is used by Sole Proprietors. If you run a clinic and there are multiple therapists and/or locations, $85/month is considered a reasonable price.

*Note* Both the AMTA and ABMP offer a variety of discounts for software to its members. These discounts are very helpful to bring monthly recurring costs down.

The best online scheduling software for Massage Therapists is also easy to set up. It's simple, intuitive, and clean. You can quickly assess these qualities by asking yourself "Am I confused?" when you first login. If the answer is yes, move on. There are better software programs out there.  But if you think no at first and then change your mind as you navigate further, that's also an indication that the software isn't meant for you and a better fit is available.

Many software companies create "Universities" and/or "Help Desks" to make their software easier to navigate. They categorize the most commonly asked questions and set up databases to provide answers to these questions. This can be a helpful resource to use. If your questions remain unanswered, expect the company to have an available and helpful customer service or support department. You'll know if you have great customer service when the agent "invites" you to video conference so they can see your screen and guide you through any troubleshooting or other problems you may be experiencing.

The best online scheduling software for your practice is also responsive. This means you can use it on a computer, a tablet, or a phone and no matter what the size of the screen, everything is easy to see and navigate. Links are easy to click. Images fit the size of the screen, etc. As you navigate throughout the software, things continue to look sharp and clean, no matter how big or small the screen is.

The best online scheduling software for Massage Therapists captures payment information. When a client schedules, they enter a credit card number to reserve their session. The credit card information is encrypted (stored) in the software but it is not visible to you. This ensures that you can charge a client if they don't show up for the session and didn't give you proper notice that complied with your cancellation policy.

The point of scheduling online is to provide convenience- to you and the client. Some online scheduling software do not provide payment processing. You would need to invest in a separate payment processing software. This isn't a big deal to do, however, it's easier for you if you only log into one software to manage all your needs. In today's technology craze, there are several companies that provide enough features to accommodate.

Now that you've got the fundamentals of what to look for, use this information to ask some specific questions to your colleagues who have recommendations. For example, asking a question like "How many of your clients schedule online each week with the software you use? What do your clients say about the process of online scheduling?" are two very helpful questions to help you move forward in choosing a software to use.

Remember that there isn't one specific software that is the best fit for every Massage Therapist because people run their practices in different ways. You will want to do your research. Be sure to ask specific questions so you will get specific answers, which will help you narrow the scope of your search. Clarity, research, and being smart will help you find a great software to use.

Reid Peterson is the founder of Bodywork Business Pro, which helps Massage & Bodyworkers find new clients and manage their practices more efficiently. More tips and resources for online scheduling softwares can be found at:
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