Spring Newsletter 2024
It's your park; help us protect it!
Director's Note:
Spring Greetings,
It is lovely to finally see the verdant landscape emerging at Jockey Hollow after a long but not too hard winter! Spring-like weather was in good supply for the recent annual encampment, which saw hundreds of people of all ages come out to experience life as a soldier or one of the many camp followers.

This year, FOJH supported the addition of two reenactors from the
Second New Jersey Regiment, Helms' Company to engage with those visitors and share unique insights into the critical skills of surveying and the craft of carpentry. According to the 2nd NJ, "It is through living history displays and battlefield reenactments that we educate the public and honor those whom we depict." FOJH heartily concurs and hopes to see you at the park for other events and activities that strive to do just that.

With best wishes,
Leslie Bensley - Executive Director
Carpenter Scott Lance using original and reproduction tools and hand-made equipment.
Surveyor, Nelson Abrams creating a map.
And we have a winner - this clever young man answered the question of Who lived in the Tempe Wick House during the Hard Winter? and was the only winner of the encampment! The correct answer was Major General Arthur St. Clair.
On Saturday, this young lady was the first to guess the number of marbles in the jar and win! The correct answer was 500!
Save the Date

Tavern Night at Glenbrook Brewery

Thursday, October 24th - details to follow
Fundraising Opportunity -
Rehabilitation of NY Brigade Comfort Station
Did you know that Jockey Hollow's most visited area is its comfort station? The building is visited by hikers, bikers, moms and dads, dog walkers, scout groups, and everyone in between - seven days a week.

However, the comfort station is showing its age, having been constructed in 1974 in preparation for the bicentennial. Not only is the structure aging - it lacks all current ADA features, such as automated doors for wheelchair accessibility, a dedicated handicapped bathroom, and ADA-appropriate fixtures and fittings. Along with fresh tiles and paint, the circular building will need a new roof and exterior improvements to the walkways. Additionally, a water bottle filling station, bike racks, and native plantings will make the area more welcoming for thousands of future guests.

Work is scheduled to begin this year in advance of America's next big celebration in 2026. Please consider a donation to this critical project today. Click here to contribute.
I Was Here: Jeremiah Greenman
Jeremiah enlisted in May 1775 and joined Benedict Arnold’s campaign against Quebec, marching across the wilderness of Maine. Captured while storming the city, he was a prisoner of war for nine months. After his release, he enlisted as a sergeant in the Second Rhode Island Regiment. During the 1779-1780 encampment, he took part in the unsuccessful raid against Staten Island, traveling by sleigh across the water separating New Jersey from the island. Upon his return, he commanded guard details and served on a court martial board. He was wounded in the shoulder defending a bridge at the Battle of Springfield on June 23, 1780.
The following was written by Eric Olsen, Historian at Morristown National Historical Park,
It is reprinted here with permission.
Public Program addressed forest health at JH
On Thursday, February 15, community members listened attentively to Bob Masson, the Morristown National Historical Park’s Natural Resource Manager, as he described the considerable challenge the park is facing from invasive plant and animal species. Held at the Harding Township Kemmerer Library, the lecture was hosted jointly by The New Vernon Garden Club, The Morristown Garden Club, and Friends of Jockey Hollow. The three groups plan to continue to educate the community on the subject. Learn more about how recent NPS funding will be used to address this problem here.
Members of FOJH, MORR Staff, Sen. Cory Booker & Rep. Mikie Sherill during their 2023 visit to Jockey Hollow.

Leslie Bensley - Executive Director
Adrienne & S. Dillard Kirby - Founder
Kim & Finn Wentworth - Founder
Mark Wentworth - Founder