Hi Everyone!

Spring is in fully here as I write this, and everywhere I see beauty. The morning bird songs surround me as I take our puppy out for his first stroll of the day. It’s a great way to wake up. Spring only happens once a year and it often goes by quickly, so I treasure it.

My life is really in transition, as is true for many of my clients also. How about you? It all seems positive. This year has much more forward moving and progressive energies than 2023 did. It’s a great year for making changes in your life. Maybe your soul has been asking you to consider letting go of a certain situation in order to let in something new, something better. Have you been getting nudges and/or experiencing synchronistic events or repeating signals that indicate the need for a change? It’s helpful to pay attention to them. Just acknowledge and observe them, you don’t have to take action immediately. I can tell you with great assurance that your life will always be more rewarding and happy when you align with your soul’s purposes. I see this happening for my clients and for myself consistently.  


Have you ever wondered about your past lives? Most of us have. On June 1, Spirit School is having a very exciting event at Hearthstone School in Sperryville, VA. Stephen Poplin, hypnotherapist, is going to conduct a group past life regression for us. I’ve experienced Stephen’s work in the past and he is very capable and talented, which is why I asked him to lead this workshop for us. The goal of this group past life regression is to take you back to a lifetime when you felt connected to and guided by Spirit, or had reached a level of spiritual mastery. It will be very intriguing to see who you have been in the past from this perspective, and inspiring as well. So, mark your calendars! You don’t want to miss this one. And it’s always so uplifting for us to come together in the circle. Please let your friends know about this event as well. Click here to sign-up.

Spirit School is stronger than ever, and we’re going through some transitions too. I’ll let you know more as things solidify. I’m excited by all the new beginnings!

I hope that your spring is unfolding in glorious ways and I wish you joy in these days of expansion and new life.

Bright Blessings,


P.S. Many of you know my daughter, Kirsten Perry, who has joined me in Spirit School classes. She has a strong connection to spirit, but she is also a talented web & graphic designer. She is currently taking on new clients. If you need help with a small website, please consider contacting her through her website at kirstenperrydesigns.com

Upcoming Events:


Special Event in Sperryville, VA

June 1, 2024

Join us for an uplifting day ]exploring an inspiring past life experience!


Ongoing online event series 2024

Join us for evenings of inspiration and shared experience of teachings from Spirit

Click here to Register or Learn More about these Events
Schedule a Zoom Appointment
Schedule an in-person session in Sperryville
Christen Headshot 2012
About Christen

Christen McCormack is the founder of Spirit School of the Intuitive Arts and has been widely known for her classes and Intuitive Guidance work since 1981. Providing unique insight and wisdom through her connection to Spirit, Christen is a gifted teacher whose teachings have helped many to access their own intuitive knowing and form a direct relationship with higher guidance for themselves. Christen offers Intuitive Guidance sessions that provide you with an understanding of your Soul’s purposes for this lifetime and the particular gifts you have to bring into this world, along with clear guidance from Spirit about all areas of your life.  

Click here to contact Christen

Christen McCormack



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