Spring Lake Cemetery sign
Cemetery Sprinkling
Due to a pump failure, there is no water available in the cemetery until further notice. Please bring your own water for your urns.
stone retaining wall
Retaining Walls
Are you considering installing a retaining wall? If your retaining wall will be taller than two feet in height, it is regulated by the Township. Contact Lukas Hill, Community Development Director (lhill@springlaketwp.org) to make sure your retaining wall meets all requirements.

Any retaining wall taller than four feet in height requires a zoning permit and a building permit. There are also setback requirements for retaining walls. Retaining walls less than four feet in height must have a setback of at least two feet from all lot lines. Any retaining wall that is taller than four feet must meet all applicable setbacks for the lot.

Refer to Section 348 of the Zoning Ordinance for complete information.
Quick Links
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Spring Lake Township | 616-842-1340 | info@springlaketwp.org | www.springlaketwp.org