Our mission is to inspire appreciation and understanding of the beauty, biodiversity and legacy of Cave Creek Canyon through volunteer work and outreach programs.

April, 2022
Cedar Waxwing by Carol Comeau



9 am - 1 pm

After a 2 year hiatus due to the pandemic, FOCCC is very pleased to bring back this very popular event.

  • Portal-Rodeo Hiking Club - improve your health!
  • Bisbee Science Lab
  • US Forest Service
  • Portal Rescue

The Wizard of Portal will cast his spell and entertain you!
  • Northern Jaguar Project
  • Ray Mendez with his amazing creatures
  • Portal Firewise Project
  • Sew What?
  • Butterflies with Lori Conrad

[while supplies last]

Rick Beno from Arizona Sky Village & 2 solar telescopes - you can see spots, granules, filaments, flares

  • Birding Information with Rick Taylor and James Peterson
  • Celebrate International Bird Day
  • Book Signings: Rick Taylor & Birds of Southeastern Arizona
        Debb Johnson & Wolves of the Skies –Harris Hawks
  • Reptiles with the Chiricahua Desert Museum 
  • Kim Vacariu with Peaceful Skies
  • The Chiricahua-Peloncillo Historical Society
  • The Hiking Group
  • Brian Stultz with Wild Arizona
  • Portal Volunteering Information  
  • And More!

Music from the Geezers!
FOCCC Projects in 2022

This year Friends of Cave Creek Canyon has been working on many projects. We thought you might be interested in seeing the scope some of these projects:

Willow Tank Refuge: with a very generous $15,000 donation, we will be adding a new large pump which will enable keeping the water level higher during the dry months [all months now?]. This higher water level will provide water for fighting fires, using helicopters from the Forest Service. Currently there is NO other water source, this side of the Chiricahuas.
Trails: we have been working with Arizona Wild and other organizations to raise funds to improve and extend the trails in Cave Creek Canyon and the Chiricahuas. FOCCC committed $23,000 late last year and another $15,000 this year. With Arizona Wild, US Forest Service, and the Youth Conservation Core, FOCCC will be involved in a new trail to connect the Visitor Center to Silver Peak trailhead. FOCCC will also provide the gates on this trail.
Visitor Information Center: Visitation continues to hit record levels, up over 20% above previous records. Sales revenue is also up very well. The net income more than pays for the cost of operation. The excess funds go to Education Outreach and other activities.
Education Outreach: Because of the pandemic. outreach to schools has been in abeyance. We plan to reach out to schools again this Fall. We are also planning for some weekend outreach during the interim at the VIC. Currently we are having "Birding Hosts" on South Fork of Cave Creek on Saturdays. Recently they helped 40 people in one morning.
Peaceful Skies Initiative: FOCCC strongly supports this movement. Come to the Garden Party and visit with Kim Vacariu to learn more about the potential impact of the Air Force proposal and the movement to stop it.

Heritage Days: planning is well advanced for the annual Heritage Days event in September.
Photo Gallery
Phainopela by Lori Conrad
Cedar Waxwings by Carol Comeau

Gray Hairstreak by Lori Conrad
Common Black-hawks
 by Lori Conrad
Bunnies by Statia Dougherty
Western Tanager by Debb Johnson
Visitor Information Center [The VIC!]
By Rolf Koford
The VIC depends on volunteers. Hosting is one way of volunteering, but there are numerous other ways you can help. Contact me to learn more. Thanks in advance.
Rolf Koford (520) 558-0038 or
Linda Castor
Paula Baldwin
Jacqueline Foutz
Caryn George
Mike Leuthold
Patricia Parran
Steve & Laura Paulson
Reed Peters
Thomas Roseman 
Rick & Joan Schneider
Delia Scholes
Lee Simpson and
Howard Szczech
Denise Ward
Mike & Cecil Williams
David Zittin
Friends of Cave Creek Canyon Board Members
Bob Ashley
Sheri Ashley
Geoff Bender
Rick Beno
Rene Donaldson
Rolf Koford
Pat Parran
Reed Peters
Kim Vacariu
Alice Wakefield
Cecil Williams
Mike Williams
Help us thank our Business Members who have given generously to Friends of Cave Creek Canyon. Without their assistance, we would be hard pressed to accomplish our goals. Click on the underlined names to check out their websites.    
A.S.K. Pest Control 
Ed Newbold Wildlife Artist
Painted Pony
Sky Islands Grill & Grocery  
Cable Publishing
Daussin & Associates   
Migration Taco
OL' Morani Ranch 
Sky Island Rolfing  
Terry Miller
Umphres Propane
Would you or a friend like to submit and article for the FOCCC Newsletter? Our goal is to share information about current events in the Canyon.

Always include: your email, pictures w/credits (jpeg format) and text. We can't guarantee your article will be used but all submissions will be reviewed and considered. Remember to keep it relevant, timely, and brief.

Send your plain text article with photos attached via email to