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Helping One Life At A Time Be it Person Or Animal!

Hello Judy,

Spring Forward!! 

Hello Spring!

It sure seems like (here) in eastern Pennsylvania we haven't really had much of a Winter! With the temperatures being milder than normal we've been spoiled, but many of us have enjoyed it. Hope you have too!

Our Trivia Event, February 24th, was so much fun, well attended and successful. Once again we raised a over $5,000. With your continued support at our fundraisers we are on track to open our Sanctuary/Retreat sooner than expected. We want to thank all of our sponsors, volunteers, supporters! Please see below our sponsors and use their services as needed.

Our next event is coming up soon - May 5th! Cinco De Meow. This will be a party and everyone is invited and we are putting a special emphasis on thanking our donors (including sponsors), and volunteers. All of the details are being worked out. Special stations for children and we'll have vendors in an animal businesses. Free to attend, donations accepted.

We are still looking for a few vendors for May 5th in the pet industry and a few that may do fun activities - balloon animals would be great!

Several other events are being planned to reach our objective of getting to $100K by December 2023, see save the dates below.

Harmony now offers a way to honor those that have passed. We can send out "In Memory Of" notes cards to loved ones that have lost a person or a pet with a donation to Harmony. Please consider us when sending you condolences. Here's the link

Included is a short article on recognizing poisoning in your pet. If you have any questions, please reach out!

Keep up to the minute with our events on Facebook and Instagram.

For more information about how we are doing, our next events and how to donate please visit our website!

Please help us reach our Vision! 

Cinco De Meow

May 5, 2023 - 6 PM - 8:30 PM

For Everyone!

The Mahoney Event Center, 15 Cavalier Dr., Ambler, PA

Fun activites for kids, food, dance, party!

Stop in for a few minutes, or stay awhile - Network!

Registration requested - Walk-ins Permitted

We have Glad Dogs Nation coming to create some toys for pets - so please bring gently used stuffed animals (from children or pets).

 Thank you to our Trivia Sponsors!

A special thank you to our top sponsors, Inter County Agency, and LTC Inurance Planning. Please consider supporting all of our sponsors with your business. If you need a connection email us at

Signs of Pet Poisoning


●    Drooling or foaming at the mouth

●    Vomiting

●    Diarrhea

●    Pale, blue, or yellow gums

●    Seizures or muscle spasms

●    Depression/change in mood/lethargy

●    Trouble breathing

●    Fever/change in body temperature


●    Drooling

●    Coughing

●    Diarrhea and Vomiting

●    Twitching or seizure

●    Breathing difficulties (rapid or labored)

●    Excessive drinking or urinating

●    Skin inflammation or swelling

●    Jaundice

●    Irregular heartbeat

●    Overall weakness

●    Loss of appetite

Change in mood/lethargy

What should you do if your pet is poisoned?

      Check on your pet

    Prevent further exposure by removing your pet from the area. Check on your pet's condition next. Is their behavior normal? Are there any signs of vomiting or diarrhea? Even if you don't believe any of your pets were involved, make sure to examine them all if you have many animals in your home. It is advisable to take your pet straight to a veterinarian facility for emergency treatment if it is unconscious, having trouble breathing, bleeding, or experiencing seizures.

      Gather the Evidence

 Information is important for assessing the level of risk your pet may be facing. To help you determine what and how much your pet may have taken, collect any leftover packaging or pills. If your pet has vomited, examine the vomit to determine whether any of the poison or chemical is still present.

      Call APCC at (888) 426-4435 or Your Local Veterinarian Immediately

     When you call APCC, a member of their veterinary team will ask you a number of questions on your pet, including how they are doing, their breed, age, weight, as well as questions about what your pet got into. They will be better able to diagnose your pet's condition and choose the best course of action with the use of this information.


Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Painting with a Purpose! Bensalem. Gather your group - BYOB!

Friday, August 11, 2023 - Comedy Cabaret Comedy

Club - Doylestown

October - Date TBD - Designer Bag Bingo!

Visit our Website

Harmony Retreat

& Animal Rescue, Inc.nIn

501 (c) (3)

Phone: 267-961-3208

or 215-901-1676

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