Do you suffer from occasional gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort?

Do you feel sluggish, tired, or lethargic?

Are you experiencing constipation, diarrhea or irregular bowel movements?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions you could have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and/or toxins circulating in your body.

Whatever is absorbed through your skin, inhaled through lung air space, or passed into the bloodstream during digestion that cannot be used by the body needs to be removed.

Once in the blood, a toxin circulates to the liver where hopefully, it can be accepted and removed from the body. However, if the liver has reached its current capacity, or the colon is not eliminating properly, the contaminant remains in circulation. In either case you are headed for trouble.

The digestive tract consists of 20-30 feet of small intestines and another 10 feet of large intestine. Our digestive tract houses more bacteria than the body has cells, all of which work together symbiotically to maintain levels of health.

SIBO is an overgrowth of bacteria not normally present within the small intestine. There are numerous causes for microbiota imbalances which is diagnosed as dysbiosis. The science of a healthy biome is uncovering exciting possibilities for improving health.

Spring is a perfect time to cleanse the colon and liver as our bodies transition from the cold days of winter to the warmer days of spring.

We recommend our Step-1 detox solution. The Step-1 solution is comprised of 3-parts to support a healthy balance of yeast & bacteria, liver health, and enhance natural detoxification.

As we usher in the warmer days, we are offering our Step-1 detox system at a substantial savings. Please come by and visit us in Leesburg to enhance your biome and your health.