Mission to North America Prayer Requets
Spring 2020
Dear Friends,
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession
 and thanksgiving be made for everyone. I Timothy 2:1
From our MNA Vision Statement...
Mission to North America exists to celebrate the gospel of Jesus in the US and Canada by coming alongside the local and regional church in church planting, missional partnerships and church renewal.
Prayer is essential to discovering the will and call of God in fulfilling this vision, as well as appropriating the necessary power for carrying out this call. As we partner together in prayer and in ministry, by God's grace, we will be used by him to fulfill this great vision.
Here you will find prayer requests for the current quarter. Please join with us at MNA in praying for these churches, our dedicated church planters and other ministries God is using to extend His Kingdom here in North America.

In Christ,

Paul Hahn
MNA Coordinator
February 16-22

Please join  Church Planter Troy Albee  of  Grace Presbyterian South Shore  in  Hanover MA  in praising God that they can organize with their own elder leadership this February. Pray God will keep them unified and give them vision for how he wants to use them to advance Christ’s kingdom.

February 23-29

Join Church Planters Diogo Inawashiro and Spencer Ewing of Christ the King Presbyterian Church - Philadelphia in praising God for a great year of ministry among the Portuguese speakers in greater Philadelphia PA . They are almost one year post-launch and have leadership development under way. They ask you to pray that God will give potential leaders perseverance and grace. Praise the God who saves for the 10-14 new members they expect to receive by the end of February and beginning of March. Finally, please pray for their finances. Some of their current support is completed this year and the winter months have been hard financially for the church as many of their congregants are manual laborers.

March 1-7

Please join with Church Planter Kyle Hackmann of Christ Church Toronto in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in praising God for their two-year anniversary. Please pray for their first profession of faith class in March. Also, please pray that God will call men in the congregation to pursue the office of elder. 

March 8-14

Church Planter Sam DeSocio asks that we pray for the ministry of Good Shepherd Church in Cobleskill NY , especially as they move into spring service projects geared at demonstrating the love of Christ to a community in a rural post-Christian culture. Pray that the Spirit will use the work of Good Shepherd as part of a larger awakening in upstate NY.

March 15-21

Please join Church Planter Brad Beier of Living Hope Church in Chicago IL in praying for God to continue to bring peace and stability to this inner city neighborhood. Pray that Jackie, a church member on trial for the death of her small son, will receive justice and a fair trial. Praise that they have the most consistent group of neighborhood youth in the history of the church coming to after school ministry and Sunday worship -- pray that these kids who have no Bible knowledge when they start will come to know Jesus.  Please pray that this will be a year of great fruit at Living Hope -- that many will come to know Jesus, lives will be transformed and the church will grow. Pray for Brad’s ROTC on-campus Bible study with several seeking/non-believing students at a nearby university.  

Pray with MNA Hispanic American Ministries Coordinator Hernando Saenz:

  • We need an army of qualified and godly leaders to reach the Hispanic harvest in the USA. Pray for us to continue building our leadership development pipeline.
  • I facilitated an MNA minority leaders gathering. It was a good time of prayer, planning and fellowship. Pray for our collaboration to richly bless our denomination.
  • Pray for open doors for evangelism, our boldness and more adult conversions in 2020.

March 22-28

Please join in prayer with Church Planter Jason Stryd of Christ the King in Boston MA as he works to reach the Albanian immigrant community in and around Boston. Please pray for the English as a Second Language classes that he teaches to demonstrate the love of Jesus and to open doors for the gospel. Please pray for the team of Albanian believers to grow in faith, courage and vision for the harvest. Finally, please pray for Jason to thrive in his walk with God and for God’s grace to rule in his role as a husband and father.  

March 29-April 4

Pray with M NA Parakaleo Church Planting Spouses Ministry:

  • Pray that God will lead a new executive director to Parakaleo, and that he will give the Parakaleo board wisdom on this important hire. 
  • Pray that ministry spouses who attend Parakaleo’s Basic Training event in Orlando on April 26-30 will be encouraged in the gospel and strengthened for ministry.
  • Praise God for Parakaleo’s end-of-year Here for Her fundraising campaign in 2019; pray that God will continue to raise up partners who are passionate about training and caring for ministry spouses. 

April 5-11

Join with  Church Planter Phil Rich  of  Evangel Presbyterian Church  in  Oneonta AL  in praying that they will see tangible fruit from their years of evangelistic outreach in Blount and NW Jefferson County. Pray that they will not grow weary in doing good and that God will let them see at least the first fruits of the harvest.

April 12-18

Pray for MNA Chaplain Ministries:

  • Praise the Lord for bringing the largest number ever of new Chaplains added to the PRCC in 2019, making this the all-time largest number of PRCC/PCA Chaplains.
  • Pray for continued protection of our Chaplains’ religious liberty. So far, with the Lord’s help, we have won every individual battle. Thank the Lord for the victories, but pray he continues to protect us from the evil one.
  • As Paul prayed, “pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored,” as our Chaplains preach, teach, and counsel in very pluralistic environments.

April 19-25

Join with  Church Planter Rich Hong of  Risen Church in  Hayward CA in praising God for leading 40 adults and 15 kids to the church. Pray that God will continue to bring people who have a heart for the mission of Risen, to find their life and hope in Jesus and their home at Risen. Please also pray for the congregation to grow in discipleship and in service. Please pray for their community groups will be places for newcomers to feel welcome and for everyone to experience spiritual growth. Finally, please pray that God will use their membership classes to encourage people to commit their time, energy, and resources to Risen. 

April 26-May 2

Join MNA Metanoia Prison Ministries in praying for:

  • more mentors in Georgia and South Carolina. We have many prisoners who are waiting for a mentor, so we pray that God will raise up more men.
  • two new mentor ministries, one at Lockhart Correctional in Texas and the other at Leath Correctional in South Carolina, both women's facilities
  • the correspondence ministry, that it will be a blessing to the prisoners and the Corresponding Disciplers in our churches.

May 3-9

Join with Church Planter Chad Baudhuin of All Saints Church in Green Bay WI as they pray for their upcoming marriage conference to strengthen and bring gospel hope to marriages in their community. Pray for Chad’s wife Bliss as she supports Chad in his winter doldrums, and pray for Chad, at the two-year mark, for refreshment and renewal in this planting work. Pray that through their elder training God will raise up local leaders to serve in shepherding the people of All Saints, with a goal to organize as a particular church in 2021. Pray for Ben and David, church planting apprentices, as they continue to become equipped to serve in ministry and begin their process toward licensure and ordination. 

May 10-16

Please pray for MNA Engaging Disability With The Gospel staff and the individuals and families touched by disability whom they serve:  

  • Pray that our ministry resources and personal consultations will equip and encourage congregations, whether they are taking first steps to meet the needs of their families or are involved in broader congregational education and ministry team development. 
  • Pray that we will continue to connect with PCA churches and families living with disability through our online and onsite trainings. Pray that God will guide our planning and teaching and for the personal and ministry growth of participants.
  • Pray for pastors who live with disability in their immediate family. Pray that they will know God’s sufficient grace in the midst of their needs and that they will be strengthened to minister out of the grace they have received. Pray also that their congregations will come alongside and serve them and their families.

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