May 2024


Our company reminders are designed to keep you informed about important updates, upcoming events, and any urgent alerts that may impact you. Stay in the loop and never miss out on crucial information again.

  • Staff Changes: Please inform us promptly of any staff changes within your organization. It is crucial for us to stay updated so that we can provide timely training and support to your team members involved in managed care activities. Key players include Administrators, Admissions, Marketing, Business Office Managers, Director of Nursing, Social Services, MDS Coordinators, Rehab Directors, and dedicated Case Managers.

  • Credentialing Requests: Insurance companies may send credentialing requests via mail, email, or fax. When you receive these requests, kindly forward them to our credentialing team. Timely submission of these requests ensures that terminations do not occur and helps maintain smooth operations.

  • Credentialing Items: Managed Care Consultants of America maintains your organization's credentials on file. This includes licenses, certificates of insurance, CLIAs, and much more. Please ensure that your team shares this information with us promptly to keep our files current and avoid any issues.


Your cooperation in adhering to these simple housekeeping items is greatly appreciated and will contribute to the seamless management of your managed care process and added security of your current contracts.


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