in 2021 we are
January 29, 2021
Celebrating Aging Through the Performing Arts
Wow! Here we are at the end of January 2021! Most often by January’s end Christmas decorations are put away, both inside and out. The vacuums have been hard at work trying to pick up dry prickly needles dropped from a once green tree. No longer will the household cat bat the ornaments off the tree or the family dog drink from the tree stand. We find ourselves taking a deep sigh. Another Christmas season has come and gone.
This past Christmas season was different in so many ways. We weren’t able to connect as in years before but we managed to find innovative ways to be with family and friends. We hope you have been able to stay connected with the Senior Variety Show through our Website, Facebook and You Tube. Our intent was and is to bring you laughs, smiles and have you recall wonderful memories.
We can’t predict what the next months will bring for any of us. Know that we here at SVS will continue meeting via Zoom, brainstorming and looking for new ideas and entertainment to keep the Senior Variety Show alive and well. Continue to sing, dance, play an instrument or whatever it is that you love to do. If you have ideas or an act you would like for us to consider presenting, let us know.
Remember, “Gray skies are gonna’ clear up! Put on a happy face. Brush off the clouds and cheer up! Put on a happy face. And spread sunshine all over the place! So put on a happy face!”
View our Facebook or click onto the You Tube address below or at the end of this newsletter for a new performance or flashback from one of our 25 shows.
Hint for our next featured performer.
What would you have if you had a fanciful, playful bird who sang with melodic embellishments?
What are you doing since the HOLIDAYS (and Covid)?
Let’s read how some folks have been spending their time these past months
Mark Forbis: “I’ve not done anything too crazy since COVID changed our lives, but I’ve definitely stayed busy. I’ve tried to broaden my piano skills by both memorizing music and digging out classical pieces that I once worked on or were my “maybe one day” pile. I’ve wanted to work on memorizing music because I’ve mostly played for theatre or churches in my adult life and neither of those experiences lends itself to memorization. And………memorization is good for my aging brain.
I took several long weekends to hit Iowa State Parks using the digital Iowa State Park Passport created to mark the 2020 centennial parks in Iowa. All told, I hit 20 parks in 2020! My favorite parks were the Maquoketa Caves in eastern Iowa and Wildcat Den near Muscatine in southeast Iowa. The highlight was getting to play the grand piano at the Frank Floyd Wright Cedar Rock house near Quasqueton.
AND finally, with no effort on my part, I grew my hair out!!
Skip Walter: Reports that Tyrone F. Forneigh is tired of social distancing, especially when Gladys Ormphby reminds him to wear a mask. So he bought her a whole purse full of masks. Tyrone said, “Finally her purse doesn’t hurt when she hits me every time I get fresh.”
You can send your quarantine projects and ideas to us at and we will share. Building community one project at a time.
Spotlight! The Whimsical Warblers
The Whimsical Warblers took flight in 2009 from the long established group known as the Songbirds. The original sextet included Carma Belz, Evelyn Bentley, Helen Hoeven, Sharon Strohm, Carol Smith and Vivian Whitmore. Rose Arrasmith and Pat Crawford were to join them later. They continued to warble with the Songbirds in the Senior Variety Show but their group also performed independently at several different venues (as many as 15 in one summer) throughout Story County. They loved to sing, and make people smile. They had regular scheduled practice sessions where they worked hard to bring new and sometimes whimsical songs to their audiences. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the addition of a sound effect or two. Occasionally they found just the right spot for a gentleman to appear in the choreography! Audiences were able to enjoy their songs but also their humor, jokes and of course costumes, whatever fit the many Senior Variety Show themes. As an audience member, it was easy to see how much they enjoyed what they were doing. Both on stage and back stage they were a joy to work with. The Warblers concluded their ten years of entertaining with their final appearance in the 2018 Senior Variety Show. These words were included in the show program, “Thank you for the wonderful memories to the many organizations and churches where we shared our music.”
Don’t forget to stay in tune and rhythm with your fellow performers, friends and fun on the Senior Variety Show Facebook and You Tube!!!!
If you are at least 60 and have an idea of something you would like to share as a featured performer on our Facebook page just email
Social Media and Social Distancing
We had not heard of Zoom calls a year ago, and now SVS is zooming down the road with an Instagram account, updated website, as well our presence on Facebook.
Email Envy
Do you know someone who would like these infomails? (I just made that word up.) We don't necessarily have emails for members of the larger groups that have been in a show, our fabulous audience fan base, or the kids, grandkids, friends, neighbors, dog groomers, chimney sweeps, butchers, electricians, bus drivers and former accountants of our performers. Forward this to them and they can request being added to our list and getting the scoop on what SVS is up to.
Stay Safe,
Stay Engaged,
Stay Inspired