August 12, 2024

*Spotted Sea (Speckled) Trout Comments Due

*MAMFC meeting this week


Spotted Sea (Speckled) Trout Comments Due


As most of you know, we are about midway through updating the Spotted Sea Trout FMP (Fisheries Management Plan). Comments are again needed at this stage of the management process! Written comments and in person comments will be accepted.


The DMF (Division of Marine Fisheries) has published their initial management recommendations to end overfishing. Although the stock is not overfished and barely triggered the overfishing status, DMF is recommending a 39.6% reduction in overall harvest. 



The DMF recommendations are:


Recreational Recommendations


·  3 fish recreational bag limit with a 14"-20" recreational slot limit with allowance for one fish >26"

·  Jan-Feb statewide recreational harvest closure

·  Eliminate the captain/crew allowance on for-hire trips with no broader vessel limit

Commercial Recommendations


· Oct-Dec, 11:59 p.m. Friday to 12:01 a.m. Tuesday statewide commercial harvest closure

· Jan-Feb statewide commercial harvest closure

· Stop net management 



Import to note: This first DMF recommendation is subject to change, but not without your input and suggestions for alternative management!



Items to remember when making your comments:


1.     A reduction of harvest by 20% meets statutory requirements

2.     A 39.6 % harvest reduction is approximately 1,560,000 pounds

3.     A 20% harvest reduction is approximately 788,000 pounds

4.     Spawning stock biomass and recruits are on upward trends

5.     Abundance is at all time high



In my personal opinion, the only reason the DMF is recommending a 40% reduction for speckled trout is for failure to manage recreational discards. Any management option to ONLY reduce harvest WILL increase dead discards!


Just like in the southern flounder and just like in the red snapper fisheries. Only managing harvest will do nothing but lead to more harvest cuts until we are down to one fish limit with limited or no open harvest seasons for yet another species! 


Speckled trout management is a few amendments behind flounder and red snapper, but believe me;



This is the same old failing management plan, slowly eliminate harvest just to sustain unmanaged catch and release dead discards! 



Written comment deadline is 4:00pm Monday, August 19th and in person comment will be in Raleigh at the MFC meeting next week at 6:00pm on Wednesday, August 21st, and at 9:00am on Thursday, August 22nd.


Written comments can be made online, mailed, or delivered to the DMF Morehead office.


Submit written comments online


Mail to: 

August 2024 Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting Comments, 

P.O Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557


Dropped off at:

Division of Marine Fisheries’ Morehead City Headquarters Office

3441 Arendell St., Morehead City




MAFMC Meeting This Week


The Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC) meets Monday, August 12th through Thursday, August 15th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There will also be an opportunity to listen online. 


Listen Online


Meeting Links




Stock Status


Combined Briefing Book


Join the Webinar




Agenda Items of Interest


Monday August 12th


2:30-3:30pm - 2025 Blueline Tilefish Specifications 


Briefing Materials (Tab 3)

Additional Advisory Panel Comments


4:00-4:30pm - NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) Road Map


Briefing Materials (Tab 5)


4:30-5:00pm - Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel (NTAP) Updates


Briefing Materials (Tab 6)

Draft Meeting Summary



Tuesday August 13th


9:00-10:30am - Council Process Review - Final Report


Briefing Materials (Tab 7)


1:00-2:00pm - MRIP Update and Listening Session


Briefing Materials (Tab 9)


2:00-3:00pm - 2025 Summer Flounder Specification Review


Briefing Materials (Tab 10)

Monitoring Committee Summary


3:00-4:30pm - Summer Flounder Mesh Exemptions Framework/Addendum - Approve Draft Addendum For Public Comment


Briefing Materials (Tab 11)



Wednesday August 15th


10:00-11:30am - 2025 2025 Black Sea Bass Specifications


Briefing Materials (Tab 13)

Monitoring Committee Summary

Black Sea Bass AP Meeting Summary_Aug 5, 2024

Additional Public Comments Received through Aug 8, 2024


11:30-12:00pm - ASMFC Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Board Only FMP Review and Vice-Chair Elections


Summer Flounder FMP Review

Scup FMP Review

Black Sea Bass FMP Review


1:00-3:30pm - Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Agenda


Briefing Materials (Tab 14)


3:30-5:00pm - 2025 Bluefish Specifications Review


Briefing Materials (Tab 15)

Monitoring Committee Meeting Summary

ASA Letter Regarding Bluefish Specifications


5:00-5:30pm - ASMFC Bluefish Board Only - FMP Review and Vice-Chair Elections 


Bluefish FMP Review



Thursday August 15th


9:00-12:00pm Business Session


Executive Summary of the July 2024 Scientific and Statistical Committee Meeting

Full report of the July 2024 SSC Meeting

Report on Proposed Approaches to Setting Recreational Measures in the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries for Summer Flounder, Black Sea Bass, Scup and Bluefish

Executive Director’s Report (Tab 17)




If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.


Thomas Newman

Fisheries Liaison


If you would like to join NCFA as a supporting member or donate, please click the link below
