Issue 10-1 | January 11, 2021
Learn about Milwaukee Residents’ Access to Healthy Food
In December, City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance, Counter Tools, American Heart Association, and City of Milwaukee Health Department organized a webinar to discuss the Wisconsin Retail Assessment Project’s data about healthy food access in Milwaukee. Since about half of an individual’s health factors can be traced back to their zip code, a place-based look at retail outlets that sell healthy and junk food can shed light on health outcomes. According to their assessment of 143 food retail outlets in Milwaukee County in 2017-2019, they found that areas with low socioeconomic status have the highest rates of obesity, in part because of food deserts—areas where there’s a lack of grocery stores with plentiful affordable healthy food options—as well as high density of fast-food outlets.

The webinar also offered a glimpse of advertising and marketing practices in four Milwaukee neighborhoods. They found that zip codes 53208 (with 46.7% African American residents), 53212 (with 52% African American residents), and 53215 (with 66% Hispanic/Latinx residents) had the most outdoor advertisement for sweetened beverages, salty snacks, and alcoholic beverages in the four zip codes they analyzed. Zip code 53202, with 80% White/non-Hispanic residents, had the lowest amount of outdoor advertising across all categories. To learn more about Milwaukee’s Food Retail Environment, download the webinar slides here.
Moving Your Audience from Awareness to Action
Fridays, January 22-February 12
The Milwaukee County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is sponsoring a four-session interactive hands-on workshop by TTJ Group LLC that will offer specific strategies that will help your coalition and organization stand out online. Participants will develop a strong foundation on creating and implementing social media tactics to engage your audiences with impactful messages that will amplify your reach, drive your audience to action, and grow your number of followers. The online sessions will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on four Fridays, beginning January 22 and ending February 12. Register at this link.
Running Rebels’ Campaign Targets AODA Harm
Running Rebels Community Organization, with the support of MCSAP, launched their youth-led Mission Over Addiction campaign with a commercial, short video, CD, anti-drug use comic books, and a resource flyer detailing an example of how to address loved ones struggling with addiction. RRCO youth were involved with all the campaign components. Rebel youth were inspired to create the campaign to deter their peers and loved ones from using drugs and alcohol after learning (often first-hand) how these addictions can destroy lives, families, and the community.

For a copy of the comic books, CD’s, and resource flyers, contact Lexxus Hacket at 414-264-8222 or Join Running Rebels youth in the fight to end substance abuse by sharing these resources on social media with the hashtag #MissionoverAddiction.
Children’s Mental Health Annual Report
The Wisconsin Office of Children’s Mental Health released its 2020 annual report to articulate the current well-being of children, teens, and young adults in Wisconsin. The report also highlights the efforts of the office and partners to address the system of children’s mental health. Download the report and the briefing presentation from last week at this link.
Save the Date
WPHA and WALHDAB 2021 Annual Public Health Conference
May 25-27, 2021
~Presentation Proposals Due January 15~
The Wisconsin Public Health Association (WPHA) and Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB) announced that their 2021 Public Health Conference will be held virtually May 25-27 with the theme “Advocating for Wisconsin’s Health, Striving for Justice Through Systems Change.” Registration will open in March 2021. Interested in presenting? Click here for the call for presentations. Deadline is January 15, 2021.
Webinars & Events
PEARLS Meet & Greet
Wednesday, January 13
This hour online session is all about getting to know PEARLS for Teen Girls and showing you how they empower girls and transform lives. We want to answer any questions you may have!
What you can expect: hear from Executive Director, Gerry Howze; understand how PEARLS inspires and empowers girls; see how PEARLS turns class friendships into a lifelong Sisterhood; participate in a Q&A run by PEARLS’ intergenerational staff; stay longer to experience the magic of PEARLS programming. RSVP at this link.
Collaborating to Address the Opioid Crisis Amidst a Pandemic
Thursday, January 14
During this second session of a two-part series from CADCA, participants will take a deep look at specific strategies coalitions can use to address the opioid crisis along with identifying how the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the opioid crisis; recognizing the most vulnerable populations impacted by COVID-19, risk and protective factors and motivations for use; as well as identifying opportunities for collaborations with various community stakeholders. This Zoom session will be held at 12 noon on Thursday, January 14. Register here.
Research into Action: Perception of Harm from E-Cigarettes and Support for a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
Friday, January 15
Dr. Matthew Rossheim will discuss perception of harm of secondhand exposure to e-cigarette emissions and support for tobacco-free campus policies among college students. His research found that use of “chemicals” or “aerosol” instead of “vapor” to describe secondhand e-cigarette emissions in health communications was associated with increased odds of perceiving secondhand exposure to e-cigarettes as harmful. This webinar, part of CADCA’s Research into Action series, will be held at 12 noon on Friday, January 15. Register here.
Motivational Interviewing
Wednesday, January 20 & Wednesday, January 27
This two-day professional development opportunity from Share Collaborative will begin your journey of learning Motivational Interviewing (MI) from a trauma-informed, culturally reverent lens. This workshop is designed for all human service professionals and leaders. The event is led by Shawn Smith, member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MIINT), MINT Certified Trainer, and Founder of Share Collaborative. CEUs are available. Cost is $135. Register here.
AFSP State Capitol Day Event
Monday, February 1
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention State Capitol Day events bring together passionate volunteers to advocate for state policy changes that will improve mental health and prevent suicide. During the event, you'll learn more about the work of the chapter and discover how you can virtually engage with your public officials to urge them to prioritize suicide prevention and mental health care. This session will be held on Zoom on Monday, February 1, at 6 p.m. Register here by January 31.
Freshstart Smoking Cessation Program
Wednesdays, March 10-March 31
Join Advocate Aurora Health’s four-week smoking cessation program, Freshstart, sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The primary goal of Freshstart is to help participants plan a successful quit attempt by teaching effective ways to overcome nicotine dependence. Freshstart is designed to help any tobacco user, including those who may be unsure about wanting to quit, and specifically addresses ambivalence about quitting. The information, activities and discussion topics help participants discover why they smoke and what motivates them to quit. The sessions will be held on four Wednesdays, March 10-31, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register at this link.
Resources & Requests
Executive Order "Saving Lives through Increased Support for Mental and Behavioral Health Needs" Report
SAMHSA’s new report outlines a plan to address the mental and behavioral health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that is anticipated to continue worsening and have a long-term impact on the entire population. The report also makes recommendations from federal agencies to address these important issues.
2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines on Alcohol
The CDC released their 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Alcohol, which defines drinking in moderation as up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks per day for men on days when alcohol is consumed, and cites evidence that even moderate drinking can increase the risk of death from cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Alternatives to Suicide Group Interest
Mental Health America will be launching Alternatives to Suicide groups this year. Alternatives to Suicide is a peer-led support group that allows participants to talk about suicidal thoughts, feelings, or experiences without fear of being judged. Participants share their struggles and successes, provide support for one another, and strategize about alternatives to help each other best cope with difficult life circumstances. If you are interested in receiving information about these groups when MHA is able to begin hosting, please fill out this quick survey.
2021 Prevent Suicide Wisconsin Annual Conference
Call for Presentations
Deadline: Friday, February 12
Prevent Suicide Wisconsin, Wisconsin's statewide public-private partnership for suicide prevention administered by Mental Health America of Wisconsin, and the Conference Planning Committee are accepting presentation proposals for the 2021 Prevent Suicide Wisconsin (PSW) Conference which will take place as an online event Thursday, April 29, and Friday, April 30. Interested in presenting? Get details here. Deadline to submit your presentation proposal is February 12.
Wisconsin Student Voices Needed
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service (WIPPS) Research Partners are providing Wisconsin youth an opportunity to share thoughts, concerns, and insights on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students. WIPPS Research Partners will conduct a series of 20 Zoom small group discussions with Wisconsin middle and high school students between January 26 and February 12. Students will be provided with a $10 gift card.

WIPPS will gather information about how students are coping during COVID-19; identify challenges, as well as examples of success and resilience; and obtain feedback about students’ learning experiences. This project will help DHS, school leaders, and community organizations improve and implement services, programs and supports for Wisconsin youth. Learn more at this link.
Tips for a New Year: Quit Smoking Medicines
Need help quitting smoking in 2021? The CDC has information on how nicotine-replacement medication can help you quit for good.
Food Resources
If you are looking for where to get food right now, visit 211 Wisconsin, dial 211, or text your ZIP code to 898211. FoodShare is another great way to get the food you need for your family! If you are interested in applying to receive EBT benefits, please visit Wisconsin's Access website. Find more information from Hunger Task Force.
Community Advocates' COVID-19 Resource Pages
Home To Stay
Home To Stay is a new website full of resources for people returning from incarceration developed by the Milwaukee County Community Justice Council’s Milwaukee Reentry Council and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. New entries are being added, so check this site often.
Job Opportunities
Milwaukee Prevention Journal Readers -- do you have:

  • Job openings?
  • Upcoming events?
  • News to share?
  • Suggestions?

Forward the information to Thank you for your service to Milwaukee!
Community Advocates Public Policy Institute | 414-270-2950  |
Community Advocates is supported by ReCAST MKE, a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services, under Grant No. 5H79SM063524.