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In This Issue:
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic... and Sports
Study Tip: Eating to Live... and Study
Coach Profile: Tatum Oleskowicz
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Academic Success Partner 
of the Month
This month we revisit with one of our favorite Success Partners,  Pattie Earlix, Educational Therapist and School Placement Consultant. Pattie works with students, teachers, school administrations and parents to provide strategies that help students make informed, thoughtful choices based on their individual academic, social and family needs. As an Educational Therapist, Pattie addresses challenges related to written language, reading, math and organizational-executive functioning skills, among others. As a School Placement Consultant, Pattie begins with an understanding of how her client learns. She knows that an appropriate match of a school's teaching profile with a student's learning profile greatly increases the probability of future academic and personal success. Pattie has been in private practice for over fifteen years and has devoted her life to helping students and parents make transformational changes in the quality of their lives. To learn more, contact Pattie  via email
or call at  310-488-7888.
Looking For A Student 
Community Service Opportunity?
Meet Rickey Smith, social entrepreneur and owner of the sustainable food business Urban Green. He's started a community education venture called the Urban Green Kids Row program, creating opportunities for kids from diverse backgrounds to participate in many activities related to food sustainability, from planting seeds  to learning about how organic food is grown and harvested. For more info on a terrific
community service and volunteering opportunity for kids,  email  Rickey, 

or call (800) 200 3320.

Check out Our  YouTube Video!
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Academic Success is very proud of the two-minute video we recently produced to give you a feel for who we are, our philosophy and the way we approach our work
How Academic Success Can Support You
At Academic Success we take great pride in finding the right coach to support the unique needs of each student we help.  Please check out the areas where we work on our   web site  and let us know how we can support you.

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Looking for a College Counselor or Ed Therapist?
We work and partner with excellent Educational Therapists and College Counselors throughout the L.A. area.  Give us a call and we can recommend the right fit for your child.

Do Kids Have To Choose Between 
Sports  and Study ?

Well, the short answer is... no! 
In fact, we're coming to understand that this isn't even the right question. Gone are the days when only 'jocks' excelled at physical activities and the 'nerds' were good in the classroom. In 2017, it is becoming accepted science that sporting activity makes kids better studiers in any number of ways- it's just a matter of each individual student finding their appropriate level of participation.
In this month's issue we'll provide information on how sporting activity is helping kids study more effectively and consequently achieve better grades. We'll also detail the different options and intensity levels available to our kids, and how each of them can boost brain activity and study effectiveness. Finally, we'll serve up some tips that might help those kids who may not be in love with sports or exercise... or at least give parents ideas on how to get them moving. 

At Academic Success, we're building a holistic focus on our students' academic development, working from the principle that each part of a student's day can serve their growth. 

Please call with any questions at (310) 823 4398 or

Find us on Facebook 

All the best,

The Academic Success Team

"One of the great lessons I've learned in athletics is that you've got to discipline your life. No matter how good you may be, you've got to be willing to cut out of your life those things that keep you from going to the top."
                                                                            - Bob Richards

Education News 

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic.. and Sports 
Although the obesity epidemic afflicting our kids is a major problem from a health and wellness perspective, it also poses another threat- to their academic performance. This comprehensive report from a PhD in Human Kinetics shows research that has drawn very clear results: the more kids exercise, the better their grades. 

Hot Off The Presses
As scientists are deepening their understanding of the links between exercise and brain function, they're also getting more specific about what kinds of brain functions may be best served by physical activity. This breaking news story covers a Copenhagen study released last month that showed those kids who exercised motor skills on a regular basis tended to do much better overall, especially in mathematics. 
Helping Parents 
Help Their Kids
Motivating kids who aren't natural athletes or already engaged in regular physical activity can be a daunting challenge for parents. This insightful article offers strategies that will get kids moving, using a combination of two age-old parenting ingredients: affirming encouragement and, when that doesn't work, tough love. 

Forms of Movement 
Also Offer Value
Learners of all ages face an inherent challenge when it comes to study: we now know that the sedentary nature of sitting at a desk in front of a book may slow down our ability to hit cognitive milestones, assimilate new information and make intellectual connections. This report provides a wider perspective on how to engage and involve our bodies in our academic work.

All Inner and Outer Obstacles

No matter how compelling the science and logic may be, some kids will still find arguments to resist engaging in more physical activity in their daily lives. This 'myth-busting' piece from a popular Science and Medicine blog should go a long way to convincing parents or children who haven't yet committed to a more physically active lifestyle. 

Study Tips 

Learning A New Sport To Help Our Studying

While it's understandable that students prioritize homework and study time as they pursue their highest academic goals, too much of one thing can ultimately bring diminished returns. That is even true of studying.
  Knowing what we do about the neurological benefits of exercise and sports, it's important for non-athletic studiers to find time for sports.
But students can go one step further than scheduling time for physical activities they already enjoy: they can decide, amidst a hectic academic schedule, to learn a new sport
No time, we hear kids say? Well, it turns out that learning a new sport may reduce the time students need to spend on studying.
There is now considerable evidence to suggest that exercising our body while also stimulating our learning faculties is a highly effective way to refresh and prime our brains for  the academic learning that comes later.
Our brains are stimulated in more dynamic ways when we take on physical tasks that are alien to us, as opposed to seeking out activities we've more or less mastered.
If you play soccer, look for something completely different- maybe tennis, or martial arts. If you lift weights, maybe it's time to do aerobics or dance classes. 
Waking up our bodies with new experiences will also awaken our mental faculties, making us better studiers who get more done in less time.

Coach Profile 

Coach Profile: Interview
with Ben Kawaller

We had such a positive response to our December 2016 Coach Interview with Cassandra Chase that we decided to do it again. Cassie is one of our veterans, so we thought we'd hear from one of the newer members of Coaching Team, Ben Kawaller
How has your tutoring process developed over time?
"Since I started working with Academic Success, my approach to tutoring has become more positive and strategic. My first instinct has always been towards directness, which in my earlier tutoring meant that I thought less than I do now about the way I say things. Academic Success' approach, which conceptualizes our work as "coaching" rather than "tutoring," means that I make a more conscious effort to build up students' confidence. This means taking the time to emphasize their strengths and phrasing my guidance in terms of how they could improve, rather than where they've fallen short."
What is your overall objective when tutoring a student?
"At the most basic level, of course improvement is always my objective. In my experience, we improve our performance when we feel invested in what we are doing and confident about our abilities. I always seek to make material personally meaningful to students. I find that's more directly likely when we're working in the humanities; for a kid who "hates math," on the other hand, it can be tough to find a whole lot of emotional resonance in solving for x. I think people can respond positively to any subject, though, as long as they have someone meeting them at their level and building upon their comprehension and skill. That kind of confidence building is by far my favorite part of my work."
We consider it a privilege and an honor to support students and their families throughout the Los Angeles area.  Please call us at any time; we welcome your thoughts and input.  We are available at 310-823-4398.

Jamie Altshule
Academic Success, Inc.