Lecture Nine:
A Spiritual View of the Glands
From The Gospel of Sophia: A Modern Path of Initiation   
Lecture Nine
A Spiritual View of the Glands

This month's lecture comes from the chapter on  the 
"Earthly and Cosmic Nutrition Streams" found in 
The Gospel of Sophia: A Modern Path of Initiation

In the video below, Douglas provides insight on 
how  the spiritual nutrition stream is activated.  

Earthly and Cosmic Nutrition Streams
Earthly and Cosmic Nutrition Streams
"So what we eat is a killed deity. What you eat is God - Jesus, 
who gave his life that we might live. That's the sense of all these mysteries; our life lives on life. The goal of the mystery is not to withhold the food that you are from the mouths that are waiting to consume you, but to welcome the consummation."
                                                           Joseph Campbell, Goddesses  

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Glass Beads Added

Thank you Travis Henry from the Berkshire-Taconic Branch of the Anthroposophical Society for sharing  this comprehensive chart of Theosophy and Anthroposophy offshoots.  

Click here to download a copy.  Thank you, Travis, for including neoanthroposophy on your chart.  

Beatrix Hachtel
from Dornach, Switzerland continues to administer a spirited, engaged global FB group called "Anthroposophy".
Join the conversation or just listen in. Douglas Gabriel is a daily contributor and participants will find contemporary, and sometimes controversial, topics of discussion that will enliven your spiritual studies as you meet every day  challenges of the world. 

Make sure to "friend" Beatrix and Douglas and join the group. Welcome to the many Waldorf parents who recently joined the group after reading Douglas' Star Wars ebook 

Thank you, Beatrix, for contributing this world-wide, world-class GLASS BEAD.
Peter Deunov (1864-1944), 
also known as Beinsa Douno, was a Bulgarian philosopher and spiritual teacher who developed a form of Esoteric Christianity  that is quite similar to Rudolf Steiner's Christology.  Both teachers also developed a form of natural movement.  Steiner called his eurthymy and Deunov call his pan-eurhythmy.  
    Though the two men never met, Steiner made reference to Deunov as a master.  Their teachings coincide on most of the basic spiritual principles and they even spoke about the same subjects at the same time.  It appears from the outside that they were both inspired by a similar spirit and therefore had similar messages to bring.  
    Deunov was a musician and social artist and Steiner excelled in the sciences.  They both centered their teachings on Christ and agree upon the future of mankind, as evidenced in this compilations of his remarks on 'end time' prophecies.  (Click link below to discover another glass bead.) Note that Deunov did not deliver this content as a lecture; it is a culling of his work.


The unfolding of love and truth has been written about and spoken of by great prophets, sages and mystics of all cultures for thousands of years. It is THE EVENT when humanity is lifted above the darkness and fear that has engulfed us. Click here to hear how Satya Yuga is beginning to unfold in the world. 

Thank you Nina Howard for this glass bead, a vibrant, etheric vision of what Tyla and Douglas see as the divine feminine version of Michelangelo's painting. We loved this print so much that one is hanging in our home. Click below to link to Nina's site where she has this print available.

Do you have a glass bead for the Glass Bead Game?

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Eternal Curriculum for Wisdom Children

Sophia Christos Initiation 

The best way to read The Gospel of Sophia is in printed form, but if you prefer to read on an electronic platform, we invite you to use this
coupon code through March 15, 2016 to receive a 20% discount on  A Modern Path of Initiation.


Available on Smashwords.


There are no gurus,
      priests, or masters that
      can magically bestow
      enlightenment upon us.
      We must find the way on
      our own, being first and
      always a student, then,
      when we are ready, a
      teacher to others.  

Before the upper chakras can be fully activated, the lower chakras, which includes your digestive system, must be working properly. Our digestive enzyme supplements were formulated to bring good vibes to your digestive health and get those lower chakras spinning. 


The never-before-told story of how Waldorf and Anthroposophy influenced this Hollywood blockbuster is coming soon.

Make sure to join our newsletter so that you can distribute this free e-book to your colleagues and friends as soon as it is released.

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