I am Sally Scion, returning board member.
At our July board meeting we elected our officers for the year: Josie Johnson is President, Rev. Janée Marth, Vice President, and Linda Paoli is our Secretary.
There are many ways for transformation here at Spiritual Life Center. If you are new to SLC or want more information about becoming a Community Member, join us next week at 1 p.m. for our new Member Info session. You can attend in person or click the link below to join the meeting by Zoom.
Thank you for attending the events we have offered this year, we are meeting or exceeding our goal for the yearly events income. We are lagging in the supplemental giving, but Thrive has created an exciting fundraising raffle that you will hear more about in just a few minutes.
As you know Rev. James sent out his letter informing the community that he will be retiring from SLC. Like Rev. James “we are optimistic as we envision what lies ahead for SLC. The future is bright, let us move forward with great expectations.”