The Official Newsletter of Wisdom Path, by Judi Thomases
Astrology & Channeled Guidance in Every Issue October 2018 Volume 123
This month's newsletter is a little shorter than usual because we were on vacation. We took a bus tour of NY's Finger Lakes with a local group. The area is beautiful in the warm weather - Victorian mansions, museums, the Corning Glass Works, wineries, mountains, lakes and the Erie Canal! Aside from the fire alarm in our hotel going off with an ear-splitting siren late one night and very early one morning (because of a flaw when the steam from the hot showers was introduced into the bedroom), the experience was mostly great. And we escaped some very rainy weather back home.
The only "mystical/psychic" thing that happened to me during this journey occurred in a gift shop while I was separated from the rest of the group for a bathroom break, and felt strongly prompted to ask the saleswoman how far it was to a town my Delaware friend grew up in. She gave me the answer but immediately inquired of my friend's family name, and when I replied she realized she'd been their neighbor back when. Whereupon I promptly put the two together by phones and email - a nice unplanned reunion. I say "psychic" because I felt very much pushed to ask even though I had no real personal need for the information. And to think it was that particular saleswoman, and that odd time of us being alone in the shop minus the other 33 people on our tour...!
Listening to the intuition, and learning to let it become stronger in you and lead you... this is part of what I try to teach in my Meta Meet group. You can call it Psychic Development but it's more than that. Steady meditation will also bring you to that skill. And then you realize that you're following a Cosmic Plan and not necessarily your own. But by being in alignment with it, your own needs are taken care of too. That's the reason my biz is called a Wisdom Path.
And now, I'll just contemplate the rain. The cool, gray, life-giving rain.
Smiles and love as always,
P.S. Check out my latest article, "Uranus in Taurus" in the May 2018 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine, archived here.
You can purchase my latest book by clicking .
Contact info is: Wisdom Path/Judi Thomases, 99 Cherry Hill Rd., Magnolia DE
19962. Phone is 302-697-363. Judi@WisdomPath.com.
Also, if you're on Facebook, please Become a Follower of Wisdom Path page, and post you
r thoughts about playing the soul's wisdom game of life.
Don't forget... previous issues (along with channelings, reviews, and astro news) are archived on
Upcoming Events
Check out Current and Past Events! Here are a few:
NEWCOMERS CLUB - "HOW CAN ASTROLOGY HELP YOU?" - Oct. 18th 2018. A talk about making good choices.
META MEET - Teachings from my new book The Wisdom Keys, and from over four decades on The Path - 3rd Monday of each month, 7 PM.
* * * * *
JenningsWire.com Podcast: "Practical Keys To A Life Of Joy"
Judi Thomases has four decades of experience as an astrologer, helping clients navigate their energy patterns to make good choices. Judi is author of
Wisdom's Game
The Wisdom Keys
and reveals practical tips to live a life of empowerment and joy.
Practical Keys To A Life Of Joy
- How should you see yourself in life?
- What is the Quantum Shift?
- What does "getting out of the hologram, and into the energy field" mean?
- What is the Surge?
- What does "piercing the veil" mean?
"USE TAROT'S WISDOM TO MAKE BETTER CHOICES" (broadcast on June 11th 2015 on Rockland World Radio).
Archive of "New Perspectives" Radio Show with Judi Thomases and host Paul Lamb.
* * * * *
Check out the latest postings on JenningsWire.com or Wisdom's Blog! Here are a few:
Check out WisdomPath.com for more Recent Articles or Podcasts.
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stations direct while Venus stations retrograde...
Do you know what that means to you?
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Wisdom Coaching Standing Appointments
Every month we look at your patterns, including a new Lunar Return, progressions and transits for each month... we talk about what are the best choices... decisions, challenges, best times to launch projects, meet people, take care of yourself, and much more.
You can ask the important questions -- business or personal or anything else -- for insight...
For instance, one client got her publicity photo done on the EXACT best date - she says it's the best photo she's ever had taken!
The session combines astrology (dates, energy, patterns), Tarot and AstroDice (oracles, psychic info). We'll see the energy patterns unfold, and determine how best to navigate them with awareness; your wisdom and empowerment will deepen.
Email me at Judi@WisdomPath.com for details and appointments
Spiritual Quote
"In truth, there can be no break between the observer and the observed. If the two are split, the reality is gone."
- R. Lanza, Biocentrism
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October is a quiet month for the World. On the 5th, people can take another look at values, pleasures and romance (
Venus station retrograde in Scorpio
). The 11th is a poor date to sign important papers; there can be misunderstandings (
Mercury opposite Uranus
), but diplomacy is enhanced on the 17th (
Mercury conjunct Venus
). The 24th can bring a surprise regarding love or money; separations are possible (
Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus, opposite Venus
For the U.S., most of the month is confusing and over-idealistic (
Neptune conjunct U.S. progressed Sun
) though there is innovation in the health and technology fields that helps the job market (
Mars trine U.S. Uranus
) in Week 1. For the first half of the month, we are less popular though sensible (
Saturn opposite U.S. Venus, sextile U.S. progressed Saturn
). Inspiration is strong (
Jupiter sextile U.S. Neptune
). The 11th-15th is excellent for deals (
Jupiter trine U.S. Mercury/progressed Node
). From the 20th-23rd, constructive progress brings restoration of our strength plus kindness and compassion (
U.S. progressed Moon sextile U.S. progressed Saturn, opposite U.S. Venus
). Week 4 indicates continuing inspiration with good energy for the stock market, although high emotionality (
Neptune trine U.S. Sun; Jupiter sextile U.S. Pluto, square U.S. Moon
). Ideas or decisions are pushed forward on the very last days (
Mars conjunct U.S. progressed Mercury
For President Trump, there are financial pressures all month (
Pluto square his progressed Venus
) but the first half of the month brings luck with unexpected changes (
Uranus trine his progressed Sun
). Week 1 is smart for business and great for talks and ideas (
Jupiter trines his Saturn; Mercury conjuncts his progressed Venus/Jupiter, trines his Uranus/progressed Node/Sun
). He might be furious in Week 2, speaking out too bluntly (
Mars opposite his Pluto, opposite his progressed Mercury
) but there is sweet talk too (
Venus sextile his Mercury
). From the 16th-20th, there is cause to celebrate (
Jupiter trine his Venus
). The focus is on domestic issues in mid-month (
Jupiter conjunct his IC
). He can be cocky in Week 3 (
Jupiter square his Mars
). Week 4 brings impulsivity (
Mars trine his Uranus
), and a mix of being less well received and beloved (
Venus square his progressed Saturn/progressed MC, sextile his progressed Sun
), along with a helpful connection perhaps for PR (
his progressed Moon sextile his Node; Mars trine his Node
) but he remains irritable at month's end (
Mars opposite his progressed Moon
(c) 2018 by Judi Thomases
*** Psychic readings... Tarot, AstroDice, *** and a channeled message just for you!
Only $100./hour
Questions answered... high accuracy
For appointment or more information,
call 302-697-3630
or email Judi@WisdomPath.com
Judi Thomases is a frequent contributor to JenningsWire.com
and has her own page on the site. Annie Jennings PR is a National Publicity Firm that works with authors, speakers and experts in book promotion,
and publicity.
For more JenningsWire blog posts by Judi,
click here.
(c) 2018 by Judi Thomases
" - by Robert Lanza, MD and Robert Berman (2009, BenBella Books, Inc
Tackling some of the unsolvable conundrums of quantum physics, chief scientific officer, adjunct professor, prolific author and medical doctor Robert Lanza, and his co-author Bob Berman, approach the subject in a completely scientific way, eschewing philosophy and other abstract paths to reach an astounding conclusion, pretty unique amongst physicists, that life and reality begin with the internal conscious observation, and do not spring from an external universe of dead matter into which life gradually evolves.
The subtitle of the book Biocentrism is
How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe. Dr Lanza goes about his radical theory by proving that life creates the universe and not the other way around. In a terrific chapter called
Goldilock's Universe, Lanza spells out how mind-bogglingly perfect the conditions of the universe must be in order to support life. Some of the enormous life-giving peculiarities include: The Big Bang could not have diverged one part in a million; the universe's Four Forces and their constants had to be perfectly set up for atomic interactions; the pervasive building block of carbon had to be manufactured by the quirkiest of physical effects, and so on.
These conclusions raised step-by-step to their ultimate result reach the inescapable fact that nothing is "out there" - i.e., external to us - than what is arranged and perceived as thought in the mind, and that a field of energetic potential is simply manipulated by our consciousness to present the illusion of an external world, but in fact takes place nowhere but interiorly. The entire world, regardless of how vast it seems, how real and solid it looks, and how apart from us it feels, doesn't really exist.
The point he makes, very strongly, is that consciousness creates all that is perceived as external. Life (or conscious awareness) is the fountain from which springs the universe.
"Any universe," Lanza states,
"that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state."
He has been called "a renegade thinker", but actually his conclusions mirror what we have been taught by Eastern philosophies. He seems to be one of the first actual scientists using quantitative measurements, experimental methods, and known mathematical results, to validate this spiritual perspective.
There is a fascinating chapter entitled
What Is This Place? Religion, Science & Biocentrism Look at Reality. The book presents
Classical Science's Basic Answers to Basic Questions, such as How Did Life Arise? Why Are the Constants the Way They Are? And What is the Fate of the Universe? Also examined are religion's take on the cosmos, especially the contrast between Western and Eastern religions. Finally, a section called
Biocentrism's Take on the Cosmos summarizes Lanza's seven Principles of Biocentrism that have earlier been laid out based upon conclusions via scientific knowledge. Among these seven principles, the concepts of time and space are discarded as not really existent in the physical sense!
I was quite happy to read this book because, as a psychic, sensitive, astrologer, and channeler, I have been looking to science for decades to help me understand what I perceive intuitively, and up to now there's been a great divide between myself and those like me, and the scientific community, because they did not have good answers for what metaphysicians know as their truths.
I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series called
Beyond Biocentrism, but already noted that it was pooh-poohed by an educated reviewer as though it was unfathomable to consider this serious scientist's discoveries as tenable, which of course only makes me want to support this interesting work more.
The book is readable, humorous in many places, down to earth, and makes a lot sense.
5 stars, highly recommended.
Why not check out Wisdom's Game too! "Wisdom from cover to cover", from The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Click here for more info: http://wisdompath.com/2008_archives/wg_book_details.html
Spirit's Words: Monthly Channeling - October '18
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
By Judi Thomases
The following segment has been received, word for word through a psychic process known as channeling. It is an invited procedure. The teachings always serve to guide
us through the journey of life. Compilations of many such messages are available in book, PDF and audio formats:
Compilation of BoLW's Messages
Here we go, into the fray of today's ambivalent, emotional, disruptive, and unpleasant energy patterns. Between political upheavals and natural catastrophes, there is no doubt that humanity is being buffeted. Challenges galore are pushing and shoving people in different directions, and some of these directions are far from positive.
It is hard to remain spiritual in today's climate. But that is the point, for it is via harsh challenges of every sort that one finds the way to one's soul. One finds one's true values. One sees what is undoubtedly important, crucial to one's life. One begins to know and see where the greatest distaste is, and concomitantly where the greatest yearning is. Everything moves to the sharpest contrast.
Life, well lived, is a series of contrasts. The soul evolves deeper and higher through the contrast of what is pleasant and what is deeply unpleasant. What may seem pleasant at first may turn sour. Oceanfront property, for instance, may at first seem the epitome of a pleasurable desire, and then quickly turn to a liability and a false or empty achievement. Similarly, ego-driven activism may seem an important task only to be found as a cause of pain or sorrow. These are only examples of crisis producing the means to evaluate the contrasts of one's life.
Slowly but surely, these experiences provide a direct immediate way to transmute your aspirations, to cast away what doesn't work or can offer only suffering. At the same time, these crises tend to open the heart, bring more compassion towards others, to people, and even to nature, and change one's yearnings in the direction of something lighter and perhaps even purer. It is no mistake whenever the race of man chooses to live through challenging times; rather it is like a rallying cry to accelerate evolution, to stay on the planet and work with its tribulations, or to exit in order to attempt another go at life in a different era. We speak, of course, about reincarnation.
Enjoy the small and true pleasures of an era of calamities. Stay close to loved ones, smell the roses, appreciate and be grateful for small treasures such as food, good rest, creature comforts, and whatever else can be stolen during the hours of woe.
Be here now.
© 2018 by Judi Thomases
Unsolicited Testimonials:
"Your book "The Wisdom Keys" looks utterly great and it's absolutely brilliant. -
Read your wonderful article in Dell Horoscope, and I did purchase your book 'The Wisdom Keys'. I LOVE it! It's my favorite all-time book ever!" - Diana K., Caregiver, Oxnard, CA
"I really enjoyed your article in Horoscope Almanack 2018" - Isabel, by email
"I saw an article online with your work and found it fascinating." - Helene, by email
"I just want to say thank you again for an amazing session. I really appreciate your support." - R.G., Life Coach, NJ
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"Spirit's Words" Newsletter is written by Judi Thomases at
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
Judi@WisdomPath.com. © 2018 Judi Thomases. All Rights Reserved.
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it.
When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information.
Judi Thomases
Wisdom Path