2605 S Signal Butte Rd

Mesa, AZ 85209


Services: 5:00 pm Saturday

9:30 a.m. Sunday

March 20, 2024

Reflections by Council President

Click Here

Financial Report

Click Here

Monthly Calendar  Click Here

Last Lenten Service and Soup Supper is tonight at 5:30 pm.

Palm Sunday Worship: March 24th at 9:30 am

Holy Week Services

Wednesday, March 27 – no service

MaundyThursday, March 28 - 5:30 pm

Good Friday, March 29 - 5:30 pm

Saturday, March 30 - 5:00 p.m. Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, March 31- 9:30 am

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, March 30th from 10-11 am

Fun activities and Easter story time with John Rung for the little kids.

Easter Breakfast by the Youth

Breakfast casseroles made by the youth and fruit are on the menu.

Breakfast will follow the 9:30 worship service.

Freewill donation.

Last day to order an Easter Lily is this Sunday, March 24th. Envelopes are on the Info Desk in the narthex.

Grief Support

Wednesday 7-8:30 pm

At Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church

Karen Gowan is the leader.

Congregational Listening Reports

Please remember to return your translation reports to the church or to a committee member by Thursday, March 21 if you haven’t already.


Daryl Wilton

Undie Saturday and Sunday

Once again the generous people of SOH have made the recent UNDI drive a huge success!

Over 800 pair of men’s, women’s & children’s underwear, along with $125 from Senior Rock, has been delivered to ‘A New Leaf’ (CAFFA) & Genesis Project, both located in AJ. They were overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness.

Thank you for being a blessing to so many…

Choir Practice

Fridays at 4:00 pm

All singers welcome

TUESDAYS – 10:30am in the large classroom

Lead by Pastor Dave Hall


 The TORAH is the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Morning Bible Study – “Too Big For Starbuck’s”

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church. Bring your Bible and your coffee.

Lead by: Bobbi Edwardson 

Women's Thursday Afternoon Bible Study

The Thursday Women’s Bible Study is held on Thursdays at 1:00 PM in the church classroom. We will continue our study from the Gather Magazine.

New members are always most welcome as together we grow in God’s GRACE and LOVE. 

Dar Stucke


Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues, anxiety, etc.

Pray for: Ken & Linda, Allen & Diane, Val, Bonnie, Marie, Nicole, Amber

Lord, guide all who are struggling this week with health, loss and grief. Help us be angels that shine the Light of Christ upon them giving encouragement as they need. Amen

  • To be added to the public prayer concerns list, contact prayerteam@spiritofhopelutheran.com. If you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list, please obtain their consent first.

  • If you are ill, someone is hospitalized, or there is a death, call the Spirit of Hope Office at 480-396-8300.

  • Names will be removed from the prayer list after three weeks. If you want to go back on the prayer list, please contact the church office or email to prayerteam@spiritofhopelutheran.com. 

               Worship Volunteers


Saturday 5:00 PM


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        


3-23 Cal Schell               Bob/Jo Frazier

3-30 Craig Thomas


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Sunday 9:30 AM


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        


3-24 Karen Gowan           he Jacobsons

3-31 Dar Stucke               Connie & Peg


Greeters: Please be at church by 4:30 pm

on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday.

Work, Work Work

There will be an outside work day on Saturday, March 30 from 8 to 10 am.

Breakfast with your friends 

on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Signal Butte & Southern)

See you there!!

March 1   Deborah Hall

March 8   John Rung

March 14  Michael Snyder

March 16  Lloyd Stucke

March 16  Theresa Foster

March 17  Ruby June Klick

March 18   Raegan Ward

March 19   Gerie Davis

March 22   Peter DeMars

March 24   Elaine Brynsaas

March 24  Cornelia (Connie) Lovell

March 29  Wendy Sontag

March 31  Duane Gilson 

Phone: 480-396-8300

Email:  admin@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Email:  president@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Website:  www.spiritofhopelutheran.com