In case you were wondering….
· Someone will be in the church office Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-1pm
· Messages will be picked up from the Church voicemail on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sunday.
· We have a very active Lay Ministry Team. If you would like a visit, please leave a message at Church or contact the Prayer Ministry Team.
· To be added to the public prayer concern list please contact the church
office (480-396-8300) if you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list. Please obtain their consent first.
There is a box on the info desk at church where you can slip in a note about someone you wish us to pray for. Please print. These requests, along with those in the newsletter will be added during our worship services for 3 weeks.
· If you have a concern about maintenance in or outside our facility, please contact Barb Kearns 480-427-6776
· Other concerns can be directed to any Council Member. Executive team numbers are
President: Rosemary Brant 318-415-8557
Vice President: Daryl Wilton 402-366-0242
Secretary: Melody Oliver 480-980-8241
Treasurer: Mary Beth Bracken 480-773-4336