2605 S Signal Butte Rd

Mesa, AZ 85209


Services: 5:00 pm Saturday

9:30 a.m. Sunday

May 8, 2024

Reflections by Council President

Click Here

Financial Report

Click Here

Monthly Calendar  Click Here

There will be a planning session Sunday, May 19th at 10:45am. We need all of you to help make this a successful Vacation Bible School for 2024. There is a sign up sheet on the Info Desk in the narthex.

Let's have fun the Hawaiian way!!

Welcome to our New Members

Lupita Goch

Jerry Gentle

Josie Gentle

Angela Gentle

Michael Ortiz

Ginny Weber

Senior Rock Summer Lunch Bag Project

These are the items needed for the lunches this summer:

Creamy Peanut Butter


Snack Bars


Members, check for a separate email in the next few days giving you a copy of the completed Transition Report and announcing of a congregational meeting on May 26th following the 9:30 worship service.

If you do not have a computer and email, a copy of the Transition Report and the raw data will be available for you to read at the Info Desk in the narthex.


We are still in need of a couple of people to learn to run the soundboard for Saturday and/or Sunday Service. It would not be an "every worship commitment" , but more like once or twice a month.

Please let Rosemary or Eric Shelbourn know if you are willing to help.

Are you struggling to read a book, letter or newspaper? Macular Degeneration is becoming a problem for many. The Sunland Springs Village Lions Club has a solution for you. We have Reading Machines that greatly magnifies reading material and photos. 

If you or someone you know are having low vision problems, a Reading Machine might help. We have two to lend out for use as long as needed.  We deliver and set it up at no cost. If you have questions, call or text Karen Torgersen at 651-334-6771.

Handyman Available

Do you have some miscellaneous jobs around the house that need to be done or some yard work? Remember, you should not be climbing up ladders!

James Shelbourn is willing to help you out. He has helped with the landscaping at church too. Pay would be between $25 and $50 an hour depending on how labor intensive the job would be. Call James at 402-630-1059.

Spirit of Hope has a strong belief in helping our community and we definitely want to continue this ministry. Sometimes however, we have too many great ideas at the same time.

Council is asking that all requests for charitable contributions ( be it $$ or items) go through the council BEFORE they are announced to the congregation. We would like to schedule things so that we are not overwhelming the congregation with requests for multiple donations at the same time. 

Thanks to all the workers that have been working on our outside landscape and thanks to those that have painted our curbs as required. Everything looks great. We do not plan to do anything more until fall when it cools down.

In case you were wondering….

· Someone will be in the church office Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-1pm  


· Messages will be picked up from the Church voicemail on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sunday.      


· We have a very active Lay Ministry Team. If you would like a visit, please leave a message at Church or contact the Prayer Ministry Team.      


· To be added to the public prayer concern list please contact  the church

office (480-396-8300) if you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list. Please obtain their consent first.


There is a box on the info desk at church where you can slip in a note about someone you wish us to pray for. Please print. These requests, along with those in the newsletter will be added during our worship services for 3 weeks.


· If you have a concern about maintenance in or outside our facility, please contact Barb Kearns 480-427-6776      


· Other concerns can be directed to any Council Member. Executive team numbers are      

                           President: Rosemary Brant 318-415-8557

                           Vice President: Daryl Wilton 402-366-0242

                           Secretary: Melody Oliver 480-980-8241

                         Treasurer: Mary Beth Bracken 480-773-4336

TUESDAYS – 10:30 am in the large classroom

Lead by Pastor Dave Hall


 The first five books of the Hebrew Bible--- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

There will not be any study during the months of June and July.

Morning Bible Study – “Too Big For Starbuck’s”

Thursday mornings at 6:30 am at Church. Bring your Bible and your coffee.

Lead by: Bobbi Edwardson 

Women's Thursday Afternoon Bible Study

The Thursday Women’s Bible Study is held on Thursdays at 1:00 PM in the church classroom. We will continue our study from the Gather Magazine.

New members are always most welcome as together we grow in God’s GRACE and LOVE. 

Dar Stucke


Prayers –

We pray for those church members who are struggling with many health issues, anxiety, etc.

Pray for: Dar, Alice, Vicki, Ken & Linda, Allen & Diane, Bonnie

Lord, guide all who are struggling this week with health, loss and grief. Help us be angels that shine the Light of Christ upon them giving encouragement as they need. Amen

  • To be added to the public prayer concerns list, contact the church office at 480-396-8300. If you would like to add someone else to the public prayer concerns list, please obtain their consent first.

  • If you are ill, someone is hospitalized, or there is a death, call the Spirit of Hope Office at 480-396-8300.

  • Names will be removed from the prayer list after three weeks. If you want to go back on the prayer list, please contact the church office or email to prayerteam@spiritofhopelutheran.com. 

               Worship Volunteers


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        

5-04  Craig Thomas       

5-11  Melody Oliver      Pete/Sharon

5-18  Cal Schell               

5-25   Daryl Wilton

 6-01 Melody Oliver

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sunday 9:30 AM


Date     Reader                     Greeters                        


5-05   Karen Gowan         Bob & Marilyn

5-12  John Rung              Patrick & Eric

5-19  Margaret Anderson    Allen & Diane   

5-26   Dar Stucke             Joe & Kari

6-02  Steve Crofton        Eric & Patrick

Greeters: Please be at church by 4:30 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am on Sunday.


Breakfast with your friends 

on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am at the IHOP Restaurant at (Signal Butte & Southern)

See you there!!

May 1  Addyson Prada

May 5  Bobbie Wiles

May 5  Jorja Shelbourn

May 8  Art Zander

May 11  Jurian Gurrola

May 11  Jo Frazier

May 12  Joseff Perrault-Spaulding

May 16  Kathy Lazarick

May 18  Thomas Snodgrass

May 18  Allora Coffland

May 18  Linda Miner

May 20  Judy Lynne

May 22   Eric Timmons

May 26   Mary Skorheim

May 26  Debra Krikorian

May 27   Kevin Hicks

May 28  Tony Scheer

May 29  Michael Reynolds

May 29  Dar Stucke

May 29  Alice Tiede

May 31  Marie Renda

May 31  Brenda Russell

Phone: 480-396-8300

Email: admin@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Email: president@spiritofhopelutheran.com

Website: www.spiritofhopelutheran.com