Speed Tables Calm Palmetto Bay Traffic
You spoke, we listened! According to our recent community-wide survey, Palmetto Bay residents regard traffic calming as the highest priority for the Village. In fact, 42% of you said that traffic calming projects are the most important capital items for residents while only 39% are familiar with the Village’s speed table program, which is one of the most cost-effective and efficient options to slow down and even reduce traffic on our neighborhood streets.
Speed tables, which are larger than speed humps and more effective at controlling speed, have been implemented by Palmetto Bay in recent years to address the problem. The Public Services Department uses a special set of criteria to determine where speed tables should be placed, and nearly 100 have now been installed throughout the Village. However, residents may also initiate the process by requesting a temporary one on their street if speeding has become an issue.

To request a temporary speed table:
  • Download the application here
  • Complete the application, including the Petition Form for neighbors on the street
  • Return the application to the Public Services Department for review. If the requirements are met, the application will move forward through a series of steps before the speed table is installed (see chart below)
Applicants should be aware that the program requires consent from 67% of residents in the area, as some people may not be interested in the speed table. “Just because one resident wants it doesn’t mean all your neighbors want it,” Public Services Director Dio Torres explains.

If you have questions, please contact our Public Services Department at 305-969-5011. 
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