Cathedral Bulletin | July 2, 2021
SCROLL DOWN Links for this weekend's livestream Masses; no Musical Prayer tonight; call for auction item donations; Parish Picnic volunteers needed; this Sunday's bulletin
We're back!
My friends in Christ,

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard Governor Inslee’s announcement about the lifting of all remaining Covid-19 restrictions in Washington State beginning at Midnight tonight. This is cause for rejoicing, because it means that our community is finally seeing the end of this pandemic. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the scientists and researchers who brought us the vaccines; to the health care workers who took care of the sick at great personal cost, and saved the lives of so many; and to all of those in our community who faithfully did little things to keep others safe—quarantining, masking up, and maintaining social distance.

As restrictions lift state-wide, I want to give you an update on how this affects Masses at the Cathedral. You’ll be happy to hear that, effective this coming weekend, registration for Mass is no longer required. You will be able to choose your own seat again at all Masses. Holy water is back in the fonts, and we’ll be able to sing hymns again!

Masses are Saturday 5:30pm and Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12 Noon, and 5:30pm.

Some limitations are still in place. We will continue to exchange a "touch-free" sign of peace for now – no handshakes or hugs with those outside your household. Communion from the cup will come back later. Masks continue to be encouraged, but not required. Our ministers will continue to wear masks for the distribution of Holy Communion. Coffee hour after the morning Masses will resume later in the year.

We know that not everyone is vaccinated, and not everyone is comfortable mingling freely with others at this point. For that reason we will continue to offer a socially distanced section for those who are not yet vaccinated or have unvaccinated children, or would simply feel more comfortable with a little more space. Please contact Caroline Okello, 206-382-4500, our hospitality coordinator, to reserve seats in the socially distanced section at any Mass. Archbishop Etienne has indicated that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still in place. And, please know that we will continue to livestream Masses into the future.

Thank you for your patience this past year with all the shifting guidelines and restrictions. Thank you for finding so many creative ways to stay connected with your parish community. I can’t wait to see you.

Father Ryan
  •  No registration for Masses
  •  No social distancing
  •  Masks are recommended but optional
  • Choose your own seat
  • Holy water is back
  • Hymn-singing is back
  • Socially-distanced seating is still offered at all Masses. E-mail Caroline Okello at or call 206-382-4500 to reserve a place in the socially distanced section at any Mass

  • Sign of peace is touch-free
  • No communion from the cup
Livestream liturgies this weekend
The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, July 4, 2021

MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages

MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages
No Musical Prayer tonight
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the livestream musical prayer scheduled for Friday, July 2 at 6:30pm has been canceled.
Call for auction donations!
 Can you help by donating an item or two?
Our annual Hunthausen Dinner and Auction benefiting the Cathedral Kitchen is back! It’s coming up on Monday, August 30 (see information below). We are in need of many items for our silent auction. Please consider donating! The wish list includes…

  • $25 to $50 gift cards of any kind—Amazon, Starbucks, Safeway, Subway, iTunes, etc.
  • Gift certificates to a favorite restaurant
  • Bottles of wine or spirits for the silent auction
  • Bottles of wine for the "wine roulette"
If you have other ideas of items to donate, we would love to hear about them! Information, Maria Laughlin, or 206-382-4284, or Margaret Lynch, or 206-382-4288.
Annual Catholic Appeal update
At this point, all gifts come back to the Cathedral in the form of a rebate. We are now just $52,927 short of our hoped-for $180,000 rebate. This year, the rebate supports our ministries for young people--Children's Faith Formation, Youth Music Program, and Youth Ministry Program. If you haven't yet done so, please consider making a gift today!
Summer Concert Series continues
The Parish Picnic is back on July 25!
All volunteers must be fully vaccinated.
Hunthausen Golf Tournament is August 30
Since 1997, this tournament has raised funds to support the neediest in our community. In 2019, the tournament raised over $169,000 for our neighbors in need. Last year, we weren’t able to gather, but incredibly, you still contributed a remarkable $116,000 to support Cathedral outreach ministries. This year, on Monday, August 30, 2021, we’re back in person at beautiful Glendale Country Club, and we hope you will be there to make the event bigger and better than ever!
This important event makes possible our Cathedral Kitchen, which has continued to operate safely throughout the pandemic, serving hot, nutritious takeaway meals to homeless and low-income men and women in the downtown area. The tournament also supports many other important Cathedral outreach ministries, including our Solanus Casey Center, Sunday Breakfast, Immigrant Assistance Program, and Mental Health Ministry.
On behalf of the many, many people who are helped through the programs of St. James Cathedral, thank you for your generous support of the Archbishop Hunthausen Charity Golf Tournament.
ICYMI: Ordinations to the Priesthood
Watch the Mass of Ordination of Priests, which took place in the Cathedral on Saturday, June 26 at 10:00am.
This Sunday's bulletin
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104