Called by God and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America...

June 13, 2024

Called by God and the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Hannah Claire Norem

will be ordained to the

Ministry of Word and Sacrament

on Saturday, June 29

at 3:00 p.m.

at St. Paul's Episcopal Church

520 Summit St., Winston-Salem, NC.

The Reverend Dr. Timothy M. Smith, 

Bishop of the North Carolina Synod, ELCA, and

The Rt. Rev. Dr. G. Porter Taylor,

VI Bishop of Western North Carolina, The Episcopal Church,  ordaining;

The Reverend Sara Cutter, preaching.

All rostered ministers and seminarians are invited to vest and process;

the color of the day is red.

Live streaming will happen; stay tuned to Synod e-News.

A reception—hosted by Augsburg, Winston-Salem—at St. Paul's will follow.

Hannah has been called to be the associate pastor at Holy Trinity, Hickory.

Special e-News | NC Synod, ELCA | 704-633-4861 |