A note from Amelia to the St. James’s Community
As many of you by now have heard, John McCard will not be returning to St. James’s after his sabbatical. I know that as this news makes its way through our community many of us will experience various emotions. However you might feel about the news of John’s departure, I want to affirm that your feelings are valid, and, it is my hope and prayer that each of us are able to process whatever emotions we might be feeling in a way that is helpful for us and for our parish. I know that many of you have questions, and I know that it is hard not to have clear answers.

Today the St. James’s staff met with the Wardens, Bishop Stevenson, and Canon D’rue Hazel. Our conversation was emotional, honest, and at times difficult, but it was also cathartic and hopeful. That conversation was the first of many that will continue this weekend as we gather for worship and conversation, as well as in the coming weeks and months. I hope that no matter how you are feeling about this transition in leadership you will choose to attend one of our worship services this Sunday, as well as the special adult forum with Bishop Stevenson beginning at 10:15 in Valentine Hall. I pray that our time together as a community on Sunday will be helpful and hopeful, even in the midst of any grief or sadness associated with this news. I also hope that you know that your clergy are here for you as our community lives through this time of transition. Doug, Blake, and I are here to offer care, support, a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

In the meantime, I pray that each of us might remember that God who is love and calls us to love is with us, with our Vestry, with our Bishop, and with John and his family. I pray that all of us might feel the comfort of God’s presence as we begin a new chapter of our life together. I believe that we will emerge through this transition more loving and more connected.

With God’s help, may we be swift to love and make haste to be kind...to ourselves, to one another, and to those with whom we might disagree.


Rev. Amelia Arthur, Priest-in-Charge

A Special Visit from the Bishop this Sunday

Bishop E. Mark Stevenson will be with us this coming Sunday, May 14th, to preach and preside at all three of our worship services.

The Bishop will also be with us for a special adult forum in Valentine Hall between the 9 am and 11:15 services to share information about the transition process and answer our questions. We anticipate the conversation to begin at 10:15 a.m. and end at 11 a.m. Snacks and refreshments will be available.

FOR OUR FRIENDS AT WESTMINSTER CANTERBURY: St. James’s has chartered a US Coachways shuttle and driver to provide transportation to and from Westminster Canterbury this Sunday, May 14.
The driver will offer pick up at WC at two different times, both before the special adult forum with the Bishop and immediately before the 11:15am service.
The driver will arrive for the first pick up at WC at 9:30am, and will depart for the church at 9:45am. If you would like to skip the forum, but are still interested in attending the 11:15am service, the driver will return to WC for a second round of pickups at 10:30am, and will depart for the church at 10:45am. All residents will then be returned to WC at the conclusion of the 11:15am service. The bus will begin loading at 12:30pm and will depart from St. James’s at 12:45pm.

To learn what's happening with our Children's and Youth Ministries in May and this Summer, click here to read the Doings May newsletter.
Saturday, May 13
Young Family Social - New location, Michaux House Basement
We'll be having our Young Family Social from 4-6 pm.
Due to the weather forecast, we'll be getting together in Michaux House Basement.
There'll be plenty of room for the children to play and for everyone to have fun.

Tuesday, May 16
Tuesday Men's Bible Study - 7:30 am, Valentine Hall
A weekly hour of fellowship, discussion of the bible, and good food.
Contact: Patrick Strickler, jpstrickler@verizon.net
     Stephen Spraker, stspraker@gmail.com

Young Adults - 5:45 pm, location varies
We'll gather for a combination of fellowship, prayer, and Bible or book study.
For more information and/or to get on the GroupMe, contact the Rev. Blake Singer.
Contact: the Reverend Blake Singer, bsinger@doers.org

Wednesday, May 17
Living Faith Bible Study - 10 am via Zoom
This opportunity for fellowship, study, and discussions that help to make
our Christian faith a “living faith” and apply the witness of the Scripture
to our everyday lives. Please contact Betsy for the Zoom link.
 Contact: Betsy Trow, betsytrow@gmail.com

Wednesday Noon Eucharist
in the Chapel

Wednesday Night Dinner - 5:30 pm, Valentine Hall
This Wednesday is our last Wednesday Night Dinner until the fall.
Come enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our food team.

Thursday, May 18
Thursday Men's Breakfast Bible Study - 7:30 am
This group meets every other Thursday to read and discuss the Lectionary Readings
for the upcoming Sunday. It’s a great way to learn the scriptures and
build deeper relationships with other St. Jamesers.
Contact: the Reverend Matt Harper, mharper2240@gmail.com. 
Peek at the Week is now on the website (doers.org) too. So if you need to check in on what’s going on this coming week, click on the Peek at the Week banner on the home page. 
This week's eChimes features
  • New Location for Young Family Social
  • It's not too early to register for VBS
  • Adult Confirmation is May 21
  • High School Senior Blessing
  • Sunday flower delivery ministry
  • Summer worship schedule
  • Prayers of The People
  • Diocese of Virginia

There's a new location
for tomorrow's
Young Family Social

Tomorrow we're having our Young Family Social from 4-6 pm in the basement of Michaux House. 

St. James’s will provide snacks, water, and juice. Parents are welcome to bring a favorite adult beverage if they wish. These socials are for any St. James's family with children living at home.

Everyone is sure to have fun!

Calling all heroes.
Vacation Bible School is coming!
Register now.

Vacation Bible School is more than a great summer experience for children. It’s the perfect summer opportunity for youth and adults to have an awesome time volunteering too. 

Parents, now’s the time to sign up your child (or children) for our fun and unforgettable VBS program.

If you’re a teen (6-12 grade) or an adult (with or without kids), help us make this the best VBS ever. It's not to early to sign up.
  • Teens can earn service hours.
  • To make volunteering easier for families, we will offer nursery for siblings under 3 each day of VBS

This year’s theme is Hero Hotline: Called Together to Serve God! You can go here to learn more.

Here’s the link to our registration form (for students AND volunteers). Please fill it out and return it to Ashlee Ligon, either in person or by email – childrensministry@doers.org
Adult Confirmation
Sunday, May 21

All adults interested in being confirmed when the bishop visits on Sunday, May 21st, please contact Blake at bsinger@doers.org.
Senior Blessing
Sunday, May 21

All high school seniors are invited to the Senior Blessing on Sunday, May 21, during the 9 am service. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Katie at youth@doers.org
Flower Delivery Ministry
Here’s a lovely way to get involved and bring joy to others. By joining the Sunday Flower Delivery Ministry you can deliver flowers used in the Sunday services to various parishioners. Some are sick or homebound; others are celebrating special life events.
You select which Sundays you want to deliver flowers. Four flower arrangements go out each Sunday so we are hoping for two deliverers per Sunday. The arrangements are ready for delivery approximately 15-30 minutes after the last service. A card containing the recipient’s name and address will accompany the flowers. If you can’t make church that morning, no problem…you can come later in the day as we will make arrangements for you to get into the building.
To sign up please use this link. For more information contact Donna Ellis at dellis@doers.org.
Beginning on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend (May 28)
we’ll be switching to our Summer Worship Schedule.

If it looks familiar, that’s because it’s the Summer schedule we had prior to the pandemic – worship at 8 am and 10 am, with fellowship between the services but with more of the outdoor options y’all love so much. We look forward to worshiping and gathering with you
all Summer long. 

Here are the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.

We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please email Mary Brown at mbrown@doers.org or call her at 804-355-1779 ext. 313
For Diocese of Virginia news and information, visit: https://www.thediocese.net/
You can always find the eChimes at doers.org/eChimes.