Special FN PLATFORM Seminar:
How brands are digitizing their footwear design and development programs to cut costs and increase speed to market…and how you can too!
We invite you to attend FDRA's innovation seminar at FN PLATFORM on Monday, February 12th at 2:15pm in Room S229.

FDRA's SVP Andy Polk is teaming up with Brion Carrol, VP of technology company PTC , to provide insights and case studies on new technologies leading footwear companies and brands are using to speed up design and development processes - cutting costs and time, reducing risks, and using analytics to better make shoes consumers want to buy.

This session will also feature a discussion on the new Material Exchange (ME) FDRA, PTC, tech companies and brands are helping bring to life. This exciting new platform is where everyone will be able to find, visualize and select the right material for their shoe projects...you do not want to miss this! ME is going to change how everyone designs and develops shoes!
Monday February 12th
2:15PM - 3:15PM
LV Convention Center
Room S229
TEAM FDRA will again be taping episodes on the floor of FN PLATFORM! Make sure you stop by and watch a taping and/or just say hello! We will be in the middle of the show floor situated between the stairs and the escalator.

If you missed our last episodes from the August 2017 FN PLATFORM - make sure you give them a listen! They are full of great insights from industry leaders. Here are a few of our favorites: