Dear Special Kids Special Families Stakeholders,
So much has changed in the past 25 years! Special Kids Special Families started with only a handful of staff, no vehicles, 1 program, and served less than 50 clients. Today, we’ve grown to -
- More than 70 dedicated staff
- 16 vehicles providing rides
- More than 10 dynamic and wide-ranging services
- Serve more than 700+ amazing clients!
One thing that has remained for 25 years, and will continue far beyond, is our commitment to making this the best community in the nation for individuals with disabilities, their families and caregivers by offering high-quality, compassionate, wraparound care.
While there’s no denying a LOT has changed, one thing that will NEVER change - Special Kids Special Families dedication to serving individuals living with a disability and the caregivers by their side! For 25 years, SKSF has championed their cause by promoting, strengthening, and supporting in innovative and critical ways. We strive to ensure that the individuals we serve benefit from our high-quality, competitively priced, caring services. Our vision is to provide people in need with the resources, compassion, and freedom to achieve the life that everyone deserves.
Thank you for all you do. Together, let’s strive to thrive and commit to 25 MORE and beyond!
With much appreciation,
From all of us at Special Kids Special Families