COVR Awards Are Here!

Please help us win the gold!


Finding Love and Purpose: Our Journey to Healing through Connection is entered in four categories in the COVR awards:

  • Grief Books (page 10)
  • Memoirs & Personal Journey (page 12)
  • Personal Growth & Self-Help Books (page 13)
  • Reincarnation, Death & Dying Books (page 14)

You can help us win by voting!

COVR is the Coalition of Visionary Resources, an organization that focuses on the Body Mind Spirit industry. Winning this award for our book will help us get it out there to more retailers, which in turn, will help so many others find it, read it, and heal with it.

Voting ends on April 30th.

Thank you for helping us win the gold for Finding Love and Purpose! We appreciate you very much!

April's Focus on Healing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

New Healing Session Offerings

There is so much beauty in our world, but if we are in pain, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually, it can be so hard to see it, let alone, experience it.

In the past couple of months, with the assistance of an incredible group of healing students, we have been given some amazing tools to help our healing on a very deep and profound level. I have already been using some of these tools and have been given additional methods to go deeper into our cellular memories. It has really been a mind-blowing experience!

I will be incorporating these new healing tools in my H.E.A.L. and H.O.P.E. Sessions, as well as offering some of these as standalone options in the future. These healing opportunities transcend time and space and are excellent tools for many healing on many levels, including ancestral healing, past life and past pattern healing. There are even options for interdimensional healing!

Tools we may use in this session:

  • Sacred geometry
  • Crystal Therapy
  • Reiki
  • Meditation
  • Guided visualization
  • Ocean Energy Healing Symbols
  • Akashic Energy Healing techniques
  • Chakra Block Release
  • Emotional Block Release
  • Multidimensional Healing techniques

The goal of these sessions is to clear past energy and give you the tools and techniques to heal multidimensionally.

Along with the theme of healing on a multidimensional level, there is also a new Akashic session: Lessons Learned! Scroll down to read how this new offering can assist in moving past lessons and learning out of the way so you can step into who you are truly meant to be here!

I would also love to offer you an exclusive email list subscriber discount for the months of April and May, just a huge "Thank You!" for being here, riding the wave with me and J.T. Check out the coupon below for details!

I also believe in self-empowerment, so we are having an Usui Reiki I&II class in April/May. I encourage you to take this class to learn how to heal yourself and your loved ones. This class is all about giving you the tools to make incredible changes in your personal energy!

H.E.A.L. and H.O.P.E

We Can't Heal It if We Don't Know What It Is

H.E.A.L. -- Healing Energy Across Lifetimes

We are so much more than our current incarnations. We are a collaboration of all of our lifetimes. Everything from this life and other lives affects and defines who we are now and can hold us from being who we are meant to be.

In this session, we explore the blocks in our current life, and trace them to other lifetimes and experiences where the energy originated. Once identified, we can begin the healing!


H.O.P.E.: Healing Origination Point Energy

H.O.P.E. is the acronym for Healing Origination Point Energy. When we can find, address and clear the origination point of an issue, situation, or response, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, we can begin healing on a profoundly deep level. This means we look at the origins of why we are responding the way we are in situations, or why the body is behaving a certain way, and heal it at the origination point. By doing this, we target where this really began, whether it was in this lifetime, or other lifetimes.


Where to Begin?

Read the descriptions of each session again, then ask your soul which session is best for you right now. TRUST the answer. We can always begin with one and then continue the healing with the other!

25% OFF



Use coupon code SPRINGHEAL24 to receive a 25% discount off regular session prices. Session must be booked by 5/31/24, although the session date can be later. Offer expires 5/31/24. Click the button for more information on healing services

Usui Reiki Levels I&II

via Zoom

Learn How to Heal Yourself and Others

Reiki is an ancient healing modality, used for centuries to help the body heal physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We use the innate healing energy already within us, that connects us to All That Is, as well as proven tools to move lower frequency energy out of the body, and bring in high frequency energy that the body uses to help heal itself. Using Reiki allows your body to do what it knows to do -- find equilibrium and balance in the system.

Anyone can learn Reiki! You will see during the first class how powerful you are!

For more information about the class and to register, click the button below!

When: Mondays, April 22nd, 29th & May 13th

3pm Pacific, 4pm Mountain, 5pm Central, 6pm Eastern

Where: Via Zoom

Duration: Each class is 2 hours. Possible 4th class for more practice

Class Fee: $430 $333 Discounted price - Payment Plans available!

Pay 50% at registration, and the remaining balance by the first class date.


New Akashic Records Session - Lessons Learned

Using the Akashic Records to Understand and Release the Past

During this session, we will access your Akashic Records and ask questions about what your soul wants to learn in this life and explore how other lifetimes affect your current experiences. Then we will ask for an action plan to release lessons already learned and done! It’s time to move on from the same lessons over and over. Learn what you can do to stop the patterns and step off the hamster wheel!


Audio Books Now Available!

My books are now available on Audible and Amazon! Check them out on the links below!

Audible Links

My View from Heaven
Finding Love and Purpose
A Bridge to Healing

Amazon Links

My View from Heaven
Finding Love and Purpose
A Bridge to Healing

Free Virtual Summit!

April 24th - 26th!

Join 19 International Wealth and Wisdom Experts for a FREE Blissful Money Summit!

My talk, Turn On The Bliss Frequency In Money, will be on April 25! Register below!


Join Me in Cassadaga, FL!

Special In-Person Workshop - Memorial Day Weekend!

The Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp is considered Lily Dale's sister community. It was founded in 1894 by Spiritualists from the northeast, including a large contingent from Lily Dale, NY, who wanted a winter camp. It has since become the largest Spiritualist community in the Southeast.

Similar to Lily Dale, they offer classes, message services and many other healing opportunities. I am blessed to be able to share my work in this community.

I Feel What You Feel: An Empath's Survival Workshop

Do you feel the world around you, taking on the energy of whatever has happened in that space?

When you enter a room, do you feel it before you see it?

When you talk with someone who feels down, do you start to feel down, while they start feeling better?

Do you feel tightness in your body when someone else has an ailment in their body?

Do you suddenly feel sad, mad, confused, or anxious, without knowing why?

In this workshop, we will be learning how to:

  • Identify what’s your energy and what’s not your energy. 
  • Dump energy that’s not yours. 
  • Recognize when you are carrying someone else’s energy. 
  • Protect yourself from low or negative energy. 
  • Create an action plan to help you reclaim the energy you have given away.

Where: Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, 1112 Stevens St, Lake Helen, FL

When: Saturday, May 25th 1:30pm - 4pm

Class Fee: $40


Upcoming Free Zoom Meditations

No previous meditation experience necessary!

Tuesday, April 23rd

Wednesday, May 22nd

Thursday, June 20th Summer Solstice!

Sunday, July 21st

Monday, August 19th

Tuesday, September 17th

Thursday, October 17th

Thursday, November 14th

Sunday, December 15th

All Meditations via Zoom

4:30pm Pacific, 5:30pm Mountain, 6:30pm Central, 7:30pm Eastern

Class Fee: FREE


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