As we approach the crucial period of national bargaining with the NCCC carriers, we must recognize that the companies are poised to exploit any division among us. The current leadership’s tactics are dangerous and counterproductive. Now is not the time for divisive maneuvers but for solidarity. Unity is not just an ideal; it is an urgent necessity. We must prioritize the collective good over territorial gains, standing together as one formidable force.
We must refrain from finger-pointing at one another for past sins. No rail craft union is pure; all have failed rail workers in the past, broken ranks, curried favor with the rail carriers, sold out, and backstabbed one another—not just in recent decades—but dating back to the 1880s when craft unions actually scabbed on one another and actively broke each other’s strikes. While this sordid record is inexcusable, it has been the nature of the divisive craft union system. RWU has been highly critical of this backward, archaic form of trade unionism since our founding and will continue to hold rail craft union officials accountable for their failures to stand united with the other rail crafts and unions. We know that we live and die by the watchword, “An injury to one is an injury to all!” United we stand, divided we fall.
Railroad Workers United (RWU) calls for a renewed focus on unity. We must honor the legacy of those who fought before us by coming together to build a united front. History has shown that when we unite, we are unstoppable. Now is the time to set aside our differences and focus on our common goal: securing better conditions for all rail workers.
We continue to campaign for a new approach for contract negotiations, one based on real unity of all unions and crafts where no union settles until all unions have a satisfactory agreement, open negotiations with clear communication to the rank and file about progress, and mobilization of the membership for actions to build up a credible strike threat.
RWU is calling for and willing to help organize a conference of all members of rail labor committed to discussing, debating, and developing a strategy for an aggressive, united contract campaign going forward into the upcoming round of national handling in freight service.
In solidarity,
Railroad Workers United