Register Today: The SpeakUp5k is one month away! Race shirts are in, race bibs have been ordered, and the CKG team is ready to celebrate teen mental health with you on September 7th! What are you waiting for? Register today! *Virtual participants, please register by Friday, August 23 to ensure your packet will reach you by race day.
360 Photo Booth Photo Contest: Video contest! Take a video at the 360 Photo Booth on race day, post it on your social media (Facebook or Instagram), tag CKG, and you will be entered to win a shirt/sweatshirt from the CKG spirit store! All entries must be posted and tagged by Thursday, September 12th. Winner will be announced 9/13. We can't wait to see all of your videos as we SpeakUp for mental health.
Volunteer: The SpeakUp5k could not happen without our amazing volunteers! There are still opportunities available, sign up here or email for more information.
Create A Fundraiser: It is not too late to create a SpeakUp5k fundraiser and raise money for teen mental health. All money raised from fundraising teams goes towards our programs, allowing us to keep them free for all teens!