March 1, 2020 ~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
"Going Green" Film Contest
Deadline April 27, 2020
Create a 1-3 min video highlighting ways your family lives a green lifestyle.

Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo then send your link here:

Include your name and age group. Prizes for winners in each age group.
Age Groups:
Grades 4 - 6, Grades 7 - 8, Grades 9 - 12, Adult
Facebook Event Presented by the WB Green Team .

Historical Tidbit:

Tavern Required By Law
To serve the needs of those hardy souls who ventured on long journeys, The Great and General Court made a law in 1656 that all towns in the Bay Colony must provide a tavern or "ordinary". Places of great importance, ordinaries provided food and refreshing beverages, news was exchanged, gossip traded and social interaction provided. To keep prices honest, the amount charged for meals and drink were set by law, such as sixpence for a single dinner.

One New England traveler stated, "you meet with neatness, decency and dignity, neat chambers, the bed good, sheets clean, supper passable, cider tea punch and all for fourteen pence a head."
Throughout the 1700's, taverns flourished throughout the Bridgewater area. These taverns significantly increased road travel and this greater traffic prompted wider and smoother roads. Soon one could pass among most towns and cities with few problems. By the turn of the century, a new development appeared in travel: the advent of the turnpike/toll-road.  These well-laid out and well-kept roads would come to change the face of New England.
Information from: East Bridgewater Sesquicentennial Booklet 
BuzzAround Internships are
Available in:
  • Writing
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Graphic Design
Gain real-world knowledge as we design our internship specifically for you! To participate: email resume:
Town Hall
65 N. Main Street
Mon, Tues & Thurs 8a - 4p
Wed, 8a - 7p, Fri 8a - 1p

WB Public Library
80 Howard Street
Mon, Thurs, Fri 10a - 5p
Tues - Wed 10a - 8p
Sat 10a - 2p
Council on Aging
97 West Center Street
Mon - Fri 8:30a - 4p

Food Pantry
1st & 3rd Wednesday each month
3:15 - 5p
Spring Street School
2 Spring St, WB
Marion Leonard
won a
16 oz Bee Charmed candle, the
scent of your choice! (value $15.99)
from Bee Charmed Gift Shop
494 N. Bedford St (Rt 18)
East Bridgewater

You should play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.

You could win a
$10 gift certificate to the Mama Deb's food truck. Enjoy delicious fresh Italian food or purchase some sauce to take home. View for upcoming food truck events.
5th Annual Multi-Cultural Business Forum & After Hours

Thursday, March 5th; 5- 7:30p; Fuller Craft Museum

Read more
March 2020 Packing w/Blessings in a Backpack

Brockton High School ~ Azure Cafeteria; Sunday, March 8th, 9:00a; Come help students in need!

Read more
The BSU Observatory 
S chedule for FREE Public Nights
Weather allowing, the BSU Observatory will be open on the following dates in Spring 2020:
  • March 4 from 6:30 - 8:00p
  • March 18, 21, 25 and 28 from 8:00 - 9:30p
  • April 1, 8, 11, 15, 22, 25 and 29, & May 2 from 8:30 - 10:00p

You can also follow us on Twitter @BSUObservatory or call our hotline at 508-531-DARK for the weather decision. (The night has to be clear.)
Parking for these evening events is available in the West Campus Lot.
Helpful Tips for Staying Healthy: from WB Public Schools
1. Frequent handwashing is the BEST way to prevent and combat the spread of germs! Wash hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer.

2. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use an elbow or arm if no tissue is available.

3. Do not share drinks, food or unwashed utensils.

4. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods and drink lots of water.

5. Avoid people that are sick and stay home when you are sick.

6. Disinfect surfaces that are prone to germs (phones, keyboards, doorknobs, toothbrushes, etc).
We're Your COMPLETE Garden, Farm & Pet Store!

We have everything you need to keep yourself, your pets, fish and feathered friends safe safe, and warm!
Stop in today!

1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) Bridgewater • (508) 697-0357

2020 Mr.WB Contestant Introductions
March 6th
Meet the 10 contestants competing for this year's Mr. West Bridgewater class of 2020 title.
Who will win? Come to this fun event!
Video Courtesy of WBTV
The West Bridgewater Public Library is giving away 100 passes to 2 adults each to be used
Now - April 26, 2020 for the
Peabody Essex Museum.

Come get your pass!
Teen Paint Class with Sandy Churchill

West Bridgewater Public Library on Wednesday, March 11th (early release), 11:45a, must register

Read more
Open Mic Night
Friday, March 13th
7 - 9p
West Bridgewater Public Library
Get your name on the roster early.
Call: 508-894-1255 to sign up.
Free to all but donations greatly appreciated.
Grow With Us! Sales People Needed.

Marketing & Sales People Needed: Friendly and organized people are needed to meet with small businesses, explain Buzz Around products, and create marketing partnerships!

Read more

D'Agostino Insurance
111 Torrey St Suite #1
Brockton, MA 02301
Call (508) 586-0414

St. Patrick's Day Dinner
March 14th
The First Church of WB
29 Howard St.
The meal will include a New England boiled dinner, Irish soda bread and rolls, grasshopper pie, and beverage.
Adult ticket price is $12.00; Child (under 12) ticket price is $5.00. Reservations are needed and may be made by calling the church office at 508-587-3118 or emailing .
Congratulations to
Mrs. Christine Page
for being appointed as the Middle School High School Principal. With over 20 years of service in the WB schools this is a well deserved honor. I know she will do a stellar job and the excellence at the school will continue."
~ Superintendent Patricia Oakley, ED. D.
NOW @ Physical Therapy U !
We make a great Team!

Bliss Through Yoga provides: Svaroopa® Yoga classes & Embodyment® Yoga Therapy

Physical Therapy U provides; Physical Therapy, Massage, Training & Sport Conditioning

Find YOUR bliss at Bliss Through Yoga!
Yoga for the Rest of Us!

75 Scotland Blvd, Bridgewater
(508) 331-3564

"Life is Sweeter with Mama Deb's
Sweet Italian Sauce"

Watch our Facebook page to find our next local event.

Click here for retail locations, mobile food 
events, and pasta making class schedules.
Check out our Facebook
Mary Wright Julius' winter
landscape photos
Caribou lichen, snowdrops (Galanthus), and red winterberries (Ilex verticillata). These miraculous species are unique and beautiful in their own way. Thank you Mary!!
02-20-2020 WB Finance Committee
Video courtesy of West Bridgewater TV
02-19-2020 WB Board of Selectmen Mtg
Video courtesy of West Bridgewater TV
Have fun with us and bee entered to win a
$10 gift certificate to the Mama Deb's food truck. Enjoy delicious fresh Italian food or purchase some sauce to take home. View for upcoming food truck events.

Historical Tidbit Question:
What did the 1656 law require all towns in the Bay Colony to have?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number with your answer. Prize Box Rules .

By entering, you give us permission to announce your name in next week's Buzz Around Bridgewater.

On March 4, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Megan Piche, Deena Anzum, Jacquelyn Rose, & Greg Venezia
As we prepare to vote: Speak, Love, Hug

I think about the expanse and the complexities of our nations and the world's issues and I become overwhelmed.

Then I remember this simple quote:

“If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.”

― Lao-tse
Please vote. It does matter that you be a part of our national & world community and choose who will speak for you.
And then go home, do something loving for yourself, hug your kids & tell family you love them. Our approach to personal relationships and caring for our own mind, body & spirit will save the world.
Peace, Jacquie

Video Credit: Who Will Speak For Me
(c) 2018 Joe Jencks/Turtle Bear Music
BuzzAround Exclusive Video
Copyright 2019 Buzz Around West Bridgewater.  You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety or as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around West Bridgewater 3/1/20")  

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. Occasionally, there will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials.
The Buzz Around does not claim to support any particular view.