Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. #251 | April 7, 2023

俗语 from Xi Jinping

解剖麻雀 jiě pōu má què

Definition: to examine a typical case as the basis for making a generalization (literally, "to dissect a sparrow").

Usage note: context determines if this phrase holds a positive or negative connotation (i.e., "comprehensive and rigorous analysis" as opposed to "time-consuming over-analysis").

Original: 这次工作会议上,总书记明确要求党员干部“扑下身子、沉到一线”“把脉问诊、解剖麻雀,进行问题梳理、难题排查”,引领全党坚持调研开路,用党的创新理论研究新情况、解决新问题。

Background: The "Xi Jinping Thought" education campaign launched this week in Beijing. Xi is stressing this Party education campaign "to enhance cohesion and pool strengths."

Source: 第一观l| 为什么说“这次主题教育是一件事关全局的大事”-新华网  

Weekly Reading - China Has Given Up Hope of Improving US-China Relations

In this article from the WeChat blog 观世相, influential Peking University professor Wang Jisi paints a dismal picture of the future of US-China relations. He says that from conversations he's had with Chinese policymakers, China no longer holds any expectation of improving relations with the US.

Wang Jisi has worked as director of the American Studies Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, as dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University, and as a member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. He has also served as a visiting scholar or professor at several top universities in the United States. 

The article is a very readable length and covers some useful vocab and phrases for discussing the current state of relations. 


Job & Internship Opportunities

US-China Education Trust

Program Manager

USCET is currently seeking a Program Manager to administer the day-to-day operations of USCET programs, including webinars, workshops, conferences, and educational exchanges.

The deadline to apply is April 24, 2023. See the full position description and application guidelines here.

Summer Internship

USCET is currently seeking a summer intern(s) to support our communications and programs. Position description here.

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