December 2021
Hello Friends!

As our year draws to a close, we look back over the previous months and evaluate what has passed. Here at Shumla, this annual ritual has brought big smiles to all of our faces. We accomplished so much in 2021! We:
  • Launched the Hearthstone Project,
  • Introduced Shumla Treks guided rock art tours,
  • Published cutting-edge research,
  • Led Comstock ISD students through the Shumla Scholars program,
  • Dove into preparation of the Alexandria Project Archive for curation,
  • Prepared to open our new Shumla office in San Marcos, and
  • Presented Lunch & Learns and other educational programs.

Next year will bring many new discoveries and incredible experiences that you can be involved in too!

To go into 2022 strong, we must raise the funds for our ambitious mission. If you'd like to support our team, there's still time to make a year-end gift! Your generosity directly results in discoveries that will add to our shared history. Thank you!
Happy Holidays!
Jessica and all of us at Shumla
We are thrilled to share with you the incredible exhibit at Museo de Altamira and extremely proud to be a collaborator along with Texas State University Anthropology Department, Ancient Southwest Texas Project, Witte Museum, Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory and others!

Dr. Carolyn Boyd curated the temporary exhibit entitled:
It is a stunning presentation of the rock art of the Lower Pecos and her impressive interpretive work.

Planning a trip to Spain? Visit this exhibit until April 2022!
Another new publication from Shumla's science team!  
Published in American Indian Rock Art, Volume 47, Karen Steelman's latest research publication in collaboration with Jessica DeYoung (pictured), Charles Frederick, Charles Koenig and Carolyn Boyd determined that the shelter wall at Eagle Cave has been stable for at least the past 7,000 years! And that the rock art paintings at Eagle Cave are 3,500 years old.

Click below to read the full publication!
Geochemical Analyses at Eagle Cave, Texas

Radiocarbon Dating Oxalate Accretions Associated with Rock Paintings

Read more
We have a new Board Member!

Dr. Marie Feldmeier was first introduced to Shumla during a Shumla Trek in the Spring of 2021. She was so fascinated with our work that she has since attended five other Treks. Marie is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at St. Philip's College in San Antonio. She is very excited about the discoveries that Shumla is making and is ready to contribute to our governance and fundraising. We couldn't be happier!

Welcome, Marie! Thank you for serving on our Board of Directors
Are you ready to experience the jaw-dropping and vibrant murals of the Lower Pecos Canyonlands this Spring?

Visit to view our Trek itineraries for March, April and May. You’ll also find information on costs, exertion level, transportation and housing.
March Treks
  • March 19: Eagle Cave, Skiles Shelter, Kelley Cave, Judge Roy Bean
  • March 20: Vinegarroon Camp and Pecos-Rio Grande Overlook
April Treks
  • April 09: Meyers Springs Panel and Historic Site
  • April 23: Vaquero Shelter and Painted Shelter
  • April 24: Fate Bell Annex, Fate Bell Shelter and Running Horse
May Treks
  • May 14: Halo Shelter and the Devils River
  • May 28: Black Cave and Vaquero Shelter
  • May 29: Fate Bell Annex, Fate Bell Shelter and Running Horse
If you have any questions or if there is anything holding you back from joining a Trek, please reach out to talk with us about it.

We love to hear from you!
Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center 
P.O. Box 627, Comstock, TX 78837
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