Because SAgE and the other three Farm and Ranch Stress Network regions are funded by the USDA, regular reporting is required to account for how those funds are used and the effectiveness and impact of the funded projects.
For the southern region, that evaluation is conducted by Dr. Erin King, whose qualifications include a PhD in Agricultural Sciences from Mississippi State University, work with the CDC as a member of the evaluation team on the Mississippi High Obesity Multi-Site Program, and an evident passion for the work of evaluation.
Dr. King recently gave a presentation to SAgE’s funded partners about what evaluation is, what it isn’t, and why it’s important.
Both evaluation and research use data collection tools like surveys, interviews, and focus groups, but their purposes are distinct. Research generates new knowledge and answers specific questions, whereas evaluation, in the context of SAgE, uses those tools to assess the success of a program and to make a determination about whether it should continue.