Attention Voting Members! | |
Synod assembly is almost here, which means voting members should be reviewing the synod assembly materials online. Updated business materials have been posted on our website. Please visit and make sure you have the most updated version.
If you have a substitution, please email that information to ASAP so we can adjust lists and check in information.
The office will be closed Thursday through Monday while staff are focused on synod assembly. We will do our best to respond to messages as we are able, but there will be some delay.
We give thanks to our wonderful sponsors this year.
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Assembly Offering
This year's assembly offering will go to support the Lutheran Disaster Response, our ELCA ministry that responds to natural and unnatural disasters in the United States and around the world. Find bulletin inserts and other promotional materials here.
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Help Build Disaster Buckets
In response to the human disaster at the border a request for tennis shoes (new or gently used for kids and adults) and 15–17-inch backpacks (kid’s size backpacks) have been made. We will have boxes to pack these items into, but if you gather a large amount at your congregation, please bring them packed and labeled.
To assist after natural disaster there is an item called a “Disaster Bucket”, or some may know it as a “Muck Bucket”. The 5-gal bucket (with lid) is full of items that can be used to clean and protect our friends, family, and neighbors. Due to limited space at the Omni Hotel in Corpus Christi we will be building 50 buckets and collecting 50 cases of water, so please only bring 50 of the items you are assigned because we will not have space to store extra items. To minimize the financial impact on our congregations across the Synod we will be dividing the list of items by conference.
Click here for a list of items by conference and more information
Download the bulletin insert here
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It’s Not Too Late to Join Lutheran Summer Music 2024!
We’re looking forward to an incredible year at LSM, and we’ve been able to add extra spots for this summer! Final openings are available for the four-week Full Session (June 30-July 28) for students in grades 8-12 who play clarinet, flute, horn, oboe, trumpet, euphonium, violin, or string bass.
Contact LSM Admissions for questions or to refer students. For more information or to apply, visit
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Technology Discounts for Churches
Did you know that many tech companies offer discounts for churches? Discounts are offered from vendors such as:
- Vanco
- Dell
- Canon CSA
- Microsoft
- Zoom
- Guidebook
For more information, click here.
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Damascus: Lifelong Learning
The Southwestern Texas Synod is offering two opportunities for a FREE pilot course with cohort groups that begin April 8th & 10th and run through May. (You can sign up even after April 1st, join us!)
We are also offering a FREE individualized online class without a Cohort group:
For more information visit or contact Deacon Darcy Mittelstaedt or Rebecca Guengerich.
Click here to register.
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Reflective Leadership Grants
The Reflective Leadership Grant supports an opportunity for structured reflection for lay or clergy leaders of Christian organizations that are advancing their mission following the multiple pandemics — COVID-19, racial inequity, economic disruption and mental distress — that emerged and/or intensified throughout the past few years. This grant aims to support those leaders whose work has made a demonstrable contribution to their organization's mission. These leaders are at a pivotal moment for stepping back and reflecting on what has been accomplished, what is changing and what is stable. The Reflective Leadership Grant allows leaders to broaden their perspectives and gain clarity about what needs to happen next in their personal and professional life. Click here to learn more
Application deadline: May 28, 2024
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Resilience & Revolution: The Role of Protest and Rebellion in Creating Social Change
Tuesday, May 21
The ELCA Wittenberg Center is excited to announce our upcoming webinar: Resilience & Revolution: The Role of Protest and Rebellion in Creating Social Change! For more information and to register, please click on this link: You are invited to share this webinar information with your networks; it is free and open to all!
El Centro ELCA Wittenberg presenta: Resiliencia y Revolución: El Rol de la Protesta y la Rebelión en la Creación del Cambio Social! Este seminario web es gratuito y abierto al público. Mas información e inscripción en:
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Workshop - How to Use Your Church Property for Mission
Tuesday, May 21
Does your church property–with all its maintenance, updates, and needs–ever feel more like a burden than a blessing? Join us for this live workshop that will teach you how to become a vital resource in your community and better serve your mission by using your space more effectively. Click here for more information and registration.
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National Interfaith Prayer Service
Thursday, May 2
1:00pm – 2:00pm CT
Zoom or Facebook
Join Live via Zoom or Facebook. Free Zoom registration is required. Click here for more information and registration.
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Webinar: Learn How to Construct a Narrative Mission Plan for Your Community
May 6, 2024 or September 9, 2024
6 pm MST
You’ve heard about Narrative Budgets, but really, we need to talk about them for what they are: Mission Plans. You’ve probably even seen some examples, or even seen a few mini demonstrations on what they are, why they work to convey your community’s impact, and have an idea of how they’re assembled. But maybe the process is still too confusing or too daunting for you. If so, this webinar is for you.
At 6 p.m. MST on Mondays, 5/6/2024 and again on 9/9/2024, Pastor Tim Brown, Director for Congregational Stewardship Support, will lead a webinar going step-by-step on how to create a Narrative Mission Plan hosted by our Grand Canyon Synod Stewardship Team. Click here for more information.
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Spanish Language Immersion Week
June 1-7, 2024
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
San Antonio, TX
A week long immersion for pastors and/or staff who would like to learn Spanish and Latine culture, worship, liturgy, etc.
Learn more here or Register here
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Resources, Webinars, & Calendar | | | | |