As part of the Chamber's Southwest Florida Transportation Roundtable (SWFTR) we deliver monthly updates on roadway, traffic, and pedestrian mobility initiatives throughout the region.

Construction of a Divergent Diamond Interchange (DDI) at Colonial & I-75 Will Be Completed Soon - But What Is a DDI?

If you’ve traveled on Colonial Boulevard near I-75 in recent months you have undoubtedly noticed the massive construction project that is currently underway to reconfigure the interchange to a Divergent Diamond Interchange (DDI). The construction project is expected to be complete by late 2024 and is intended to enhance access to I-75, as well as improve overall safety, increase capacity, and facilitate emergency evacuation within the County, according to the project summary on the SWFL Roads Colonial/I-75 project website.

Another DDI construction project is planned for the interchange at I-75 and Daniels Parkway. The project study began in 2021 and is currently in the design phase with construction expected to begin in 2025. SWFL Roads Danials/I-75 website.

But What is a Divergent Diamond Interchange?

divergent diamond interchange (DDI) is a type of road intersection design that aims to improve traffic flow and safety, and features two diamond-shaped intersections, one on each side of the road. The key feature is that traffic lanes temporarily cross over to the opposite side of the road. Here’s how it works:

  1. Entering the Interchange: As drivers approach the interchange, they follow the usual right-side driving. However, just before entering the diamond, they cross over to the left side of the road.
  2. Crossover: At the diamond, traffic lanes crisscross. Vehicles move to the left side to access ramps or make turns.
  3. Exiting the Interchange: After crossing the diamond, drivers return to the right side of the road. This design reduces conflict points and enhances safety.

What are the Benefits: of DDIs?

  • Reduced Left Turns: DDIs minimize left turns across opposing traffic, reducing the risk of collisions.
  • Improved Flow: Traffic moves more smoothly due to fewer signalized intersections.
  • Pedestrian Safety: Pedestrians cross shorter distances and have dedicated paths.

Tips for Driving Through A DDI:

  • Follow Signs and Signals: They guide you through the interchange. Set your navigation device to your destination and follow its verbal directions.
  •  Stay in Your Lane: The lane will guide you to the opposite side of the road.
  •  Watch for Barriers: Barriers help prevent confusion and ensure a smooth transition.
  •  Take Your Time: Be patient and follow the flow of traffic.

Attend the public outreach meeting for the Daniels & I-75 DDI Project:

Live Online Q&A Option

Register in advance

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

6 – 7 p.m.

This event will include a live question-and-answer component with the project team.


In-Person Option

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Church of the Cross, Gymnasium

13500 Freshman Lane, Fort Myers, FL 33912

Anytime between 5 - 7 p.m.

Project displays will be available for review and the project team will be available for discussion.

Click here for more information


 Would you like to try driving through a DDI? 

The nearest one in operation is in Sarasota at I-75 and University Drive, but there are many others in operation throughout Florida. 

Visit the FDOT’s DDI Map to see which DDIs are operational, under construction, in the design phase or still being planned.

The FDOT has posted several YouTube videos that give drivers a better understanding of DDIs, as well as a toolkit:





What's Up at The Chamber?

Water Issues Luncheon

Our August luncheon will bring you the latest news on Lake O' releases and other water quality issues in Southwest Florida. Invited speakers include the US Army Corp of Engineers new Colonel, SFWMD Board Members, Calusa Waterkeeper Captain Codty Pierce, as well as representatives from FGCU Water School and Lutgert College of Business Center for Agribusiness. Stay tuned for more details.....

Leadership Lee County 2024-25 Class Now Forming

Over 1,400 Southwest Florida leaders have graduated from Leadership Lee County (LLC) over the past 39 years. Nex year LLC celebrates 40 years of building leadership! You can be a big part of the celebration - come join THE BEST CLASS EVER!

Learn more about LLC


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16451 HealthPark Commons Drive, Fort Myers, FL 33908

