June 23, 2014

Brenda Roberts

(757) 705-4113


Team Taylor,



Saturday, June 21


Delegate Taylor attended South University's 2014 graduation ceremonies, delivering the commencement address. The theme of the speech reflected South University's marketing slogan, "Take your biggest step yet." Click on the video below to watch the entire speech.




South University Commencement Speech 2014
South University Commencement Speech 2014


Monday, June 23


The General Assembly will head back to the Capitol on Monday to act on Governor McAuliffe's vetoes. Virginian Pilot Story On Budget Vetoes


The Assembly passed a budget putting a condition on Medicaid spending: "no general or non-general funds shall be appropriated or expended" to expand Medicaid under Obamacare until a vote by the General Assembly.  This condition, among other things, is what Governor McAuliffe is attempting to line-item veto.


However, The Supreme Court of Virginia Case Brault v Holleman makes clear that, if a budget includes a spending item that comes with a condition, the condition cannot be separately vetoed.  To exercise his line-item veto for these conditional budget items, a governor must veto both the condition and the spending. The governor's veto would be ruled unconstitutional. 
"I remain confident that the Virginia budget will be passed prior to the July 1st deadline. While the governor and Senate Democrats have seen fit to create a budget impasse for months, holding it hostage to get their way on a political agenda out of sync with most Virginians, Republicans took control of the Senate and, with the House, passed a bipartisan budget within six hours. The people of Virginia deserve better than the irresponsibility of Washington-style politics." -Delegate Taylor
























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