So uth Shore UMC

11525 Big Bend Rd.
Riverview, FL 33579

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 Dear Friends!  
Advent is Here!

          Advent is a time of remembering what God has done to give us faith to live with the expectation of what he will do. His kingdom is here, yet not complete. He will return to make all things new. Over the next  weeks I will send you a weekly devotion written by Michael Frost. My hope is that during this season we will see the one who gives life. Below you will find the first weeks meditation.  Use this as a devotion with your family, friends, or in silent personal reflection.


* Hope                                                                
 *What's Happening                                        
* This Month's Challenge                                     
* Did You Know                                                    

The following is from

It will soon be Advent, the most beautiful of church seasons, celebrated over the four Sundays preceding Christmas. Marking each Sunday with a reading and the lighting of a candle can be a rich way to prepare yourself and your family for the true meaning of Christmas amidst all the tinsel and commercialism of the season.
You might like to use these four paintings, each from different eras, as stimulus for thinking about the well-known story. Here's how you might do it:
  • Light the candle (you'll need three purple and one rose candle, and a white one for Christmas).
  • Read the Bible text.
  • Take time to examine the picture.
  • Read the reflection below each picture.
Light the Prophets' Candle (purple), symbolizing hope
Reading:   Luke 1:26-38
Artwork:  The Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner  (1859-1937)

In Henry Ossawa Tanner's depiction of the annunciation, Mary sits compliantly on her bed, her fingers interlaced, her head slightly bowed. She looks apprehensive. The bed clothes have spilled onto the floor. A blazing light emanates from the other side of the room.

But the detail that jumps out to me is the wrinkling of the carpet.
What caused it to bunch up in the middle like that? Did it happen when Mary recoiled in fear at the apparition? Did she spin on her bare feet and throw herself on her bed? Matthew tells us Mary was "greatly troubled at his words," as you can well imagine. And so the angel Gabriel must console her before commissioning her for an extraordinary task.

But there's no indication of Mary's terror in this painting, only the physical effect of it left in the disturbed rug. She appears to have composed herself. Tanner has captured Mary's quizzical expression at the very moment she asks Gabriel, "How will this be?"
She looks sceptical, uncertain, confused.
She looks so... young.

The first Sunday in Advent is a time to declare hope. But this is fragile hope. A young woman - barely a woman - sits acquiescently on her messy bed, listening to an angel's crazy message. An insane message. An impossible message. An unbelievable message.

Indeed who would believe what Gabriel says here?  That an unmarried teenager will give birth to the hope of the nations? That a nervous virgin will conceive a king, a ruler over all of Jacob's descendants?

By depicting Mary at this very moment, Tanner seems to prolong the moment between the angel's announcement and Mary's astonishing response. He invites us into a kind of pregnant pause (pun intended), a moment in which all the angels in heaven, and all the very stuff of creation, take a deep breath and wait.
We wait too.

And then she speaks, in her faltering young voice.
"I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled."
Phew. Outtake of breath. Hope. Sweet hope.

Saturday December 1st

There will be lots of fun for everyone at our 4th Annual South Shore MOPS Holiday Bazaar & Craft Fair. Whether you have a hard to buy for bestie or a family member who loves unique and handmade items, you are sure to find a gift for anyone on your list- December 1st 9am - 1pm.


Participating in Angel Tree ministry

1. Adopt a family from our Angel Tree for Christmas
2. If you can't or don't want to do it alone, go in with some friends.
3. If you don't have the time to shop, donate money.
4. Email Evie Williams  for details


1 Blood Donation can save
3 lives

Please consider donating 
This Sunday
December 2

all donors will receive a FREE OneBlood Fleece Blanket and a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening!


Breakfast With Santa 
December 8th
Dec. 8th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 
Join us for a free pancake and sausage breakfast with Santa! Come enjoy a delicious breakfast, crafts for the kids and a photo with Santa Clause. Your kids can also write and drop off your letters to Santa. We'll provide stationary and Santa's very own mailbox!


December 14th
Christmas Movie Night
Come Join us for a night of laughter, refreshments, and fellowship. Bring your kids and friends and neighbors for this fun evening of a Christmas Classic.

B.E.L.L.S Bells
The B.E.L.L.S Challenge
The Goal of our faith is not to simply learn about what Jesus did. We are not called to be 
admirers, but followers. How are you following Jesus?
The purpose of the church is to "alert others to universal reign of God through Jesus Christ"(*) We do this through through our word s and actions. If we believe that the ultimate reign of God in heaven will be one of justice, generosity, community, peace, reconciliation,  forgiveness and so on, then we ought to be living lives that reflect that Kingdom. Below you will find 5 practices that will help you live a life that follows Jesus. Look them over and give it a shot. 

B:    Bless: I will bless three people this week, at least one of whom is not a                                  member of my faith community.
E:    Eat:     I will eat with three people this week, at least one of whom is not a                                 member of my faith community.
L:    Liste:  I will spend at least one period of the week listening for the Holy                                     Spirits voice.
L:    Learn: I will spend at least one period of the week learning about Jesus.                                  (read the Gospels, read books about Jesus, etc.)
S:    Sent:  We are a 'sent' people by God, I will journal the ways in which I                                      alerted others to God's reign through actions and words as well as                                opportunities missed, so as to grow in the image of Jesus.

* This quote and these ideas are fully explored in Michael Frost's book "Surprise the World"



How's your faith nourishment? 



Are you communicating with Jesus?

Reading your Bible, spending time in prayer, in a small group with friends, living your faith in community?



Here is your Prayer/Scripture challenge


Scripture Challenge

The Book of Matthew

  1. Pray the A.C.T.S prayer
    1. Adoration: acknowledging God's greatness
    2. Confession: confess your sins to Jesus
    3. Thanksgiving: Give thanks to God
    4. Supplication: ask for God's provision for you and others
  2. Pray: Jesus, reveal your word for me this day.
  3. Read one chapter of Matthew
  4. Note: What verse spoke to you
  5. Note: What does this look like in your life?
  6. Pray: Lord help me live our your word today and show me how to be a part of what you love.
When reading scripture it is good to take your time and absorb it. It is challenging and sometimes confusing. Allow yourself room to be ok with not mastering it in one sitting. Write down your questions, challenge yourself, and allow God to work through the pages.

Read Scripture  (this is a scripture reading plan I have followed for almost two years now)
Get involved  in helping the community


DID YOU KNOW? didyouknow






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Online giving has enabled me to stay faithful to what God has called me to be a part of. 

We hope you find this convenient. 


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