April 2024 Edition

Information is key to success in today's sport, culture and recreation environment. In Get the Scoop, you will find the latest news, funding and resources from the South East Sport, Culture & Recreation District.

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District News

South East Summit: The Sky's the Limit!

The South East Summit is a one-day, in-person event for all individuals interested in cultural vitality. Join us for insightful breakout sessions, table talks with industry leaders, a dynamic panel discussion, a roundtable on artists in communities, and a powerful closing keynote on reconciliation.

9:00 - 9:30 AM - Registration, Coffee, and Networking

9:30 - 9:45 AM - Welcoming remarks

9:45 – 10:45 AM - Break Out Sessions:

  • Session #1:  Art Starts at the Library - Regan Lanning, Artist and Morgan Kelly, Community Services Manager, Southeast Regional Library
  • Session #2: Coronach in Bloom - Town of Coronach Community Development Officer, Kelsey Manske and Andrew Exelby, Parks and Open Spaces Consultant, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association
  • Session #3: All Aboard Ogema! - Ogema Mayor Carol Peterson, Lead Volunteer, Southern Prairie Railway

10:45 - 11:00 AM - BREAK

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Table Talks - Age Friendly Saskatchewan, Community Initiatives Fund, Culture Days, Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, SaskCulture, and SK Arts

12:00 - 1:00 PM - LUNCH & DESSERT

1:00 - 2:00 PM - Panel Discussion - Transforming Spaces: How Art and Heritage Can Enliven Communities - Artist Karlie King, Artist in Community, Estevan, Project Coordinator Cori Saas, Project 104 Moose Jaw, and Executive Director Kristin Enns-Kavanagh (Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society, moderated by South East Sport, Culture & Recreation Community Development Consultant Amber Andersen.)

2:00 - 2:15 PM - BREAK

2:15 PM – 3:00 PM - Roundtable Discussion: Artists in Communities

3:00 - 4:00 PM - Closing Keynote: There is no Reconciliation without Truth - Cadmus Delorme, Founder and CEO, OneHoop

4:00 - 4:15 PM - Wrap – Up

For full event details, and registration information, visit our website. Don't miss out, secure your spot today!

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Mission Moments - Become a Winter Town

This periodic video series showcases success stories of south east communities and the impact South East District services have on the sport, culture and recreation sector. For the past couple of years, South East District has promoted our Winter Town Initiative and the benefits of “Becoming a Winter Town”. Our 2024 video features two communities who are prioritizing outdoor activity in the cold, winter season!

Take a look at the Village of Kenosee Lake and the Town of White City and see how they improve and welcome winter opportunities!

Winter Town Initiative

Land Acknowledgement Webinar

Join us for an interactive conversation with Annie Battiste, a proud Mi’kmaq woman and member of the Potlotek First Nation.

Learn about Land Acknowledgements and the importance of treaties in Saskatchewan through this webinar from the Office of the Treaty Commissioner.

Facilitated by: Annie Battiste

Date: April 23, 2024

Location: Zoom Webinar

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Register Here

Board Member Nominations Are Open!

Do you have a passion for Sport? Recreation? Or Culture? The South East Sport, Culture & Recreation District is seeking nominations from people who have the capacity, energy, and spirit to join our board and work collaboratively with each other and our staff to advance the organization's strategic outcomes. Included below are a set of attributes that we feel would make for a strong addition to our board:

  • Future-orientated, big-picture thinking and problem-solving
  • Desire to learn about and participate in non-profit policy governance, including strategic decision-making, policy work, and networking
  • Interest in finding opportunities for growth through learning, collaboration, and consensus-building

In addition to these general attributes, we are also seeking to welcome individuals who may have experience in the fields of finance, arts/culture, and those with an understanding of issues and opportunities in sport, culture, and recreation.

For more information, contact our Nominations Committee, at ed@southeastdistrict.ca or visit https://southeastdistrict.ca/pages/our-board.

Grants Now Open for Applications!

We are excited to announce that our grants are now open for applications! Our grant cycle runs from April 1, 2024, to March 1, 2025, and funded activities must fall within this timeframe.

We have two grants available:

Apply today and seize the opportunity to bring your projects to life!

South East District Funding Opportunities

Celebrating One Year of Service!

We are recognizing our Community Development Consultant, Amber Andersen for one year of service to the district. Amber works out of Estevan and is responsible for overseeing many of our leadership development initiatives, conducting community consultations, leading networking events, and implementing partnership strategies.

Cheers to one year with the district, and here's to many more!


This past year, South East District has created opportunities for leaders to learn about the topic of Risk Management when it comes to managing parks and recreation services. Recently, we held a chat with Doug Wyseman with Municipal Risk Services Ltd., who explains that “Risk is an important part of recreation activities”. Doug shared his Law of Managing Risk:

Look: Physically look at your area of concern...whether it's playgrounds, trails, toboggan hills, beaches, gymnasiums or playing fields

Ask: Users are in your parks daily...you aren't. Ask for their help in making sure things are safe. Signs are a good way to accomplish this.

Watch: Keep an eye on your experience and be aware of any trends.


Everyone involved in managing or delivering recreation services (whether employees or volunteers) should have an understanding of risk management! Check out our Resource Hub for more information on policy development and risk management!

Resource Hub

Cheer Story: Centre 48 Is Bringing Opportunities To Rural Communities

Centre 48 Arts and Education was established with a clear purpose in mind: to create vibrant rural communities that will have access to a wide range of arts, culture, fitness, and continuing education opportunities for all age groups. Centre 48 offers diverse activities that cater to the varied interests and needs of the community.

Read the Full Story

Sport Spotlight

2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games!

If you're interested in participating in the 2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games in Lloydminster as an athlete, coach, manager, official, mission staff, or volunteer, you're in the right place! 

Athlete/Sport Tryouts: Many tryouts are starting to take place for the sports participating in the 2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games. We will post tryout information on our website as we receive updates from the sports.

  • Baseball - Tryout Location: Weyburn, April 27 & May 27 (email for more information)
  • Basketball: Girls Tryout Location: Estevan - April 28
  • Basketball: Boys Tryout Location: Weyburn - May 5
  • Softball: Tryout Location: Balgonie - May 4 , Estevan - May 5
  • Triathlon: Tryout Location: Wolseley – June 1
  • Tennis: Tryout Location: Estevan – June 22-23 – player development starting May 1. 
Saskatchewan Games Program

Upcoming Opportunities & Resources

Art Alerts

SaskCulture's Culture Days Hub Sponsorship is now open 

The Culture Days Hub Sponsorship, offered by SaskCulture, aims to support communities and cultural groups in Saskatchewan that bring together two or more community cultural partners to hold free, interactive, participatory cultural activities during Culture Days (September 20 - October 13).

Applications that include activities and programming that advance Truth and Reconciliation as part of September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, will be prioritized. There is no deadline – applications will be accepted and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until the sponsorship budget is expended.

Learn More

Upcoming Opportunities & Resources

Recreation Report

The 2024 Spring Training Symposium returns to the City of Humboldt on April 22-25!

Join SPRA in Humboldt for 8 different courses offered in-person throughout the week to enhance the skills of front-line parks and recreation operators, volunteers and supervisors. Visit

Monday, April 22 - Meet & Greet pizza night sponsored by 1 Stop Playgrounds.

  • Arena Operator Level 2 (April 21-25, TSASK Exam on Thursday, April 25)
  • Saskatchewan Parks Worker Course (April 22-25)
  • Irrigation Systems & Turfgrass Management (April 22-23)
  • Landscape Pesticide Applicator (April 24-25)
  • Small Engine Repair (April 22-23)
  • General Welding (April 24-25)
  • Building Maintenance Level 1 (April 22-23)
  • Arena Operator Level 1 - Ice Maintenance Course (April 24-25)

For more information, contact Tim Hanna, SPRA Consultant, by phone at (639) 638-4083, or by email at thanna@spra.sk.ca.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a leading industry expert at the 2024 Spring Training Symposium! Registration deadline is April 15, 2024.

More Information

Upcoming Opportunities & Resources

Volunteer Resource Hub

National Volunteer Week - Every Moment Matters 

South East District celebrates National Volunteer Week every year! We encourage communities to get involved! The contribution of volunteers to the sport, culture and recreation sectors is vital to the success of programs, facilities and events! Thank you to every volunteer – your dedication, enthusiasm and time is what makes sport, culture and recreation happen!

Celebrate volunteers in your community with resources and a campaign kit available through Volunteer Canada!

Learn More

Upcoming Opportunities & Resources

Inclusion Insights

Gender Equity in Recreational Sport Toolkit

Canadian Parks and Recreation Associations toolkit promotes understanding, adaptation, and growth. Let's cultivate recreational spaces that mirror the richness of our communities. 

Dive into the Gender Equity in Recreational Sport Toolkit for positive community change. 

Gender Equity in Recreational Sport

Upcoming Opportunities & Resources

Physical Activity and Play

What is Physical Literacy?

Physical literacy is when kids have developed the skills, confidence, and love of movement to be physically active for life.

Kids develop physical literacy gradually through a variety of structured and unstructured activities. The nature of these activities changes as kids grow in age and ability.

Learn More

Upcoming Opportunities & Resources

Grants & Funding

Aboriginal Arts and Culture Leadership Grant

Apply by April 15

Jays Care Foundation Initiative

Apply by April 30

Métis Cultural Development Fund

Apply by April 30

Small Grant Accessibility Program

Apply by May 22

Creative Kids 

Apply by August 16

Culture Days Saskatchewan Hub Sponsorship Funding


SaskEnergy Sponsorship Program


Canada Cultural Spaces Fund


👉Can’t find the grant you need? Check out the SPRA Grant Guide to research more funding opportunities or reach out to our staff by email at ed@southeastdistrict.ca for assistance in your grant search!

Please note deadlines may change. For up to date information, seek the funder for the correct dates.

Local Stories/Spotlight

Saskatchewan Lotteries - Everyone Wins!

Sask Lotteries funds over 12,000 sport, culture and recreation groups across Saskatchewan. Every time you purchase a lottery ticket in Saskatchewan, a portion of that revenue supports a wealth of organizations in our communities. Subscriptions allow lottery players to play draw-based games – including LOTTO MAX, LOTTO 6/49, WESTERN MAX, WESTERN 649, DAILY GRAND and EXTRA – for up to a year in advance. Subscriptions can be purchased by phone, by mail, or on the Sask Lotteries website.

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Located within Treaty 2 & 4 Territory and Homeland of the Metis

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"South East District is a community driven organization for sport, culture and recreation in south east Saskatchewan. We help to build creative, active, and healthy communities. Join us!”