South Carolina Art Education Association
SCAEA March 2016 Newsletter
President's Palette
Happy Spring!
Lots of things have been going on in the SCAEA in just the first few months of 2016. Firstly, a heart-felt thank you to Meg Skow for doing such a wonderful job as President these past two years. She did an amazing job with our conferences and has been such a strong and positive advocate for the arts in South Carolina. She is truly a hard act to follow! As well, a big thank you to all of our outgoing board members and hello to our new ones! We are looking forward to working with them and serving the membership.
We had a great turn out for the Arts Advocacy Day at the State House in February. We had arts leaders and students from all of the arts areas and around the state to meet and greet with the legislators has they were coming into session. As well, we had about forty-five legislators who joined us for lunch that day.  It was quite impressive meeting with supporters of the visual and performing arts in South Carolina and in our schools!
March is Youth Art Month. Thank you to the regional coordinators who have been organizing their Youth Art Month exhibits in their areas. We will be doing an on-line state exhibit this year to showcase all of the winners from each region. Be on the lookout for this!
Meg, Cynthia Hudson and I (along with several board members and state members) attended the NAEA conference in Chicago March 15-19th. A fantastic flag representing the SCAEA was created by J'da Jefferson of WIlliam J. Clark Middle School (art teacher Malissa Wright) and was on display at the Convention Center (take a look at it on the SCAEA Facebook page to see her work!). There were so many incredible speakers, sessions, events and vendors! If you can, make plans to go next year.  It is such an incredible experience to be able to mingle and learn from other arts educators from across the nation and next year's National Conference will be held in NYC!
Speaking of conferences, we are busy planning the Fall Conference. Mark your calendars for November 18th through 20th. We will be in beautiful Greenville at the Hyatt Regency! If you are interested in presenting, want to nominate someone who you think should be recognized for an award, or want to know more about the conference, be on the lookout for information that will be coming out soon!
As Spring Break approaches, I wish that each and every one of you has a happy, healthy and relaxing one! 
Catherine Campbell

Save the Date
2016 NAHS/NJAHS Conference
Columbia, SC
April 23, 2016

Eastern Region Mini-Conference
Murrells Inlet, SC
April 30, 2016

2016 SCAEA State Conference
Greenville, SC
November 18-20, 2016

Important News
Information from Past President Meg Skow
R. Scot Hockman Teacher Grant news:
We received strong applications, and encourage our SCAEA members to apply for this grant in the fall. Watch for a call for applications. We are pleased to announce the recipient of the first R. Scot Hockman Teacher Grant. Congratulations our first recipient, Rebecca Watkins. Rebecca teaches at The Center for Inquiry in Richland Two. Through this grant, she and her students will design and create an installation of artworks. The process will include a guest artist and promote community connections. Be sure to look for Rebecca's session at our 2016 SCAEA Conference in Greenville!
As I begin my term as Past President, I am so excited to assist our President, Catherine Campbell, and Elect, Cynthia Hudson. This powerful duo will make SCAEA better and stronger. Planning is underway for our state conferences and other benefits for SCAEA. 
Finally, thank you to all who voted for me for the Southeastern Region Vice President for NAEA. I am honored to serve dedicated and talented educators. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. 
Membership Information from Suzanne Glen
Current SCAEA members, who recruit a new member, will be eligible for a drawing to win free registration at this year's conference. Current members should email me,  their names, address and NAEA number and the name and address of the new member. Once I have verification their membership has been paid, you will be entered into the drawing. The deadline for entering the drawing will be August 1st.  The winner will receive free registration to the SCAEA annual conference this year not including workshop tickets, luncheons, lodging or travel. The winner will be notified by mid-September.

Eastern Region Information from Elise Stuck
Join us for a 6 hour Art Teacher Kayaking Sandy Island Tour on April 30th from 10aM-4PM with an artsy twist for $45. Three art teachers will share lessons along the way. We will shove off from Wacca Wache Landing and then make our way over to Sandy Island. There will be expert kayak tour guides leading us through the water and on a brief walk on Sandy Island. Please direct questions to Jen Pierce at and you can sign up at
Opportunities, Scholarships, Awards, Contests, You Name It, It's Right Here...
If you haven't started a National Art Honor Society or National Junior Art Honor Society at your school, this may be your year to get involved and get your students involved. When you join NAEA/SCAEA you can start a chapter at your school. Click here for more information

Help Wanted/Needed
Inspiring Art
Below is a link to a rotoscoped music video that was created by 1200 hand-painted frames. It's a music video for composer Rald Hildenbeutel's track called Disco. Directed by Boris Seewald and filmed by Georg Simbeni, the clip uses an animation technique called rotoscoping which translates live video into hand-drawn animations using projectors and transparencies. It is beautiful and doable in a classroom setting. Don't you want to make something like this with your students. How awesome would that be?


If you would like to include relevant information in the next SCAEA newsletter, please email Gina Taylor at