It wasn't in a galaxy far, far away.......
but in a Waldorf school with a few teachers and a Hollywood
 guest where  the  original Star Wars movie was conceived.  
Read this special story at the link below.

Source of the Force 
Secret Behind Star Wars Inspiration

Click the video to learn  the incredible contribution that anthroposophy m ade to  the creation  of one of history's blockbuster movies.  


Welcoming Satya Yuga
and the 
Divine Feminine Trinity
In the early morning of July 27, 2014, we sent out our first newsletter to introduce spiritual seekers around the world to a "radical" theological idea: that there is a Divine Feminine Trinity who has been subsumed and darkened since around 2100 BC. She is a divine trinity of the Mother-Daughter-Holy Sophia and not an aspect of the Male Trinity or of the Holy Spirit. She is co-equal to the Father-Son-Holy Spirit Trinity.  We don't KNOW HER because She has been buried in HIStory. 

The darkening and reawakening of the Feminine Divine is the subject of  The Gospel of Sophia: The Biographies of the Divine Feminine Trinity . Little did we know this would be so controversial.  Just the "idea" of a Female Trinity was heretical to some. As one university female religion professor wrote us: "God and the Trinity are male." Case closed.

But YOU remained open to new theological ideas and concepts, realizing that the limits of the perceiver are the limits of what is perceived. 

Readers of The Gospel discover a timeline of how the darkening of the Goddess has taken place through history, until today where Her name Isis-Sophia has been usurped as an antithesis of everything that She is: love, hope, abundance, joy, beauty, gratitude, creation, and so much more. One-sided, male-centered, geopolitical, theological patriarchies continue to snuff out all that is glorious and creative in the divine feminine. Thank goodness Sophia "sleeper cells" (as we fondly call them) have started to awaken. 

In order to help you activate your supersensible organs of perception and perceive the world filled with Her Wisdom, we introduced a new literary form that requires you to step outside of time and space to experience the being of Sophia directly. Many of you have sent treasured emails about your own experiences of Sophia. 

One of our favorites came from a brother in South America who wrote that he had a powerful dream and when he searched the dream images on the Internet, he was directed to The Gospel of Sophia, which had similar dream images in its opening chapter. A sister wrote that she ordered GOS and before it arrived she had a lucid dream about a fiery Goddess. Sophia is beyond time, space, and our 3D world. Perhaps She has spoken to you in similar ways. 

We hear from aspirants around the world--from Hawaii to Denmark. And our Google statistics show amazing activity in Brazil, South Africa, Japan, Romania, Malaysia, and Australia. If you are reading The Gospel alone, please know that you are joined by others around the world and we are ONE in Her Spirit.      

You have also written us about how you are  creating higher resonance in your environments with the use of sigils. Think about how much more sacred magic, flow, and synchronicity are in your life since you started using sigils. Yes, we know that for some of you the description of the Qube was outside your comfort zone. Later in the year we will be writing extensively about the indications Rudolph Steiner gave regarding mechanical occultism, and if you stay with us, you will see how the Qube is not so dissimilar from inventions of Tesla and Keeley.  

In 2015 we began to introduce the concept of the earthly and cosmic nutrition stream , a very "real" process that will assist aspirants in achieving higher levels of spiritual development. Each month, we sent you a lecture that described actual techniques that activate your pineal gland and etheric formative forces, awakening you to a dimension of consciousness that can lead you to personal contact with Sophia. If you haven't watched the videos on the etheric, click on these titles:

In the next few weeks, we will be sending a newsletter announcing the release of volume 2, A Modern Path of Initiation, which is a "workbook" of how an aspirant becomes an initiate. It is the Inner Teachings of The Gospel of Sophia and written for those who want to continue their esoteric studies beyond the Outer Teachings in volume 1. We encourage you to get a copy of the book as it goes far beyond what we can give you in online newsletters.    

For our anthroposophical and First Class friends who kept questioning us about Steiner's indications of Sophia, we offered an insightful article that you may share with anyone interested. If you missed this, click here for the downloadable PDF.   
Throughout the year we will be sending you videos of the remaining chapters in volume 2 so that you can read a chapter and hear a brief "talk" on the particular subject. If you have any questions about topics or concepts in the chapters, email so that we can address them for others as well as you. And if you don't have time to view the talks when you get them, just drop into a mailbox reserved for your Sophia studies and get to them when you can.    

Thank you to our Facebook friends who have re-posted and embedded videos and lectures  so  that spiritual seekers  worldwide can view them.  Also many thanks to subscribers who forward our newsletters to others. This is how we have reached readers in over 40 countries!

We have so much more in store for you!  Volume 3, the Sophia Christos Initiation, has been written and will be taking our most serious readers on a journey through the Secret Teachings which opens the Seventh Seal. We have also completed the drafts of the Eternal Curriculum for Wisdom Children which is a series that will continue to awaken your etheric formative forces as well as reveal how the Waldorf curriculum can nourish the spiritual development of today's incarnating wisdom children.  

For those of you that have joined our newsletter just recently, please see our website to find out who we are and more about the Our Spirit project.

Goddess Bless, 

Tyla and Douglas Gabriel 
Sisters of Sophia  

To our anthroposophy friends:
The Our Spirit project was launched, as noted at the beginning of this letter, on July 27 , 2014. We had been preparing the project for several years, but were " directed by Sophia " to send out the first public notice on the specific date in July. 

Our newsletter went out about 2:30 a.m. EST. You can imagine how our breath was taken away when we read news later that day that beloved Sergei O. Prokofieff crossed the threshold on July 26 , 2014, news that did not reach America until a day later. 

We hope you will join us in continuing Sergei's mission to keep AnthropoSophia alive in our hearts and soul well into the future.    

Still Pondering Enzymes?

Miracle of Enzymes
Miracle of Enzymes

All we can say is that without taking Vibes on a daily basis, we would not be able to do the in-depth spiritual research needed to produce our books, newsletters and videos.

We can't tell you how enzymes will work for you so that is why we provide a before and after symptom list with every bottle.  We also can't tell you what they will do for your spiritual development.  We can only show you by our own example.

In this video Douglas explains how the lower chakras, which includes your digestive system, must be fully activated before you can access the higher chakras for spiritual development.

If we could provide these free to you as digital e-Vibes, we would.

But these aren't like articles and videos that we can post on the Internet. We have them formulated at a national manufacturer according to Tyla's special formulation.  Her naturopathy clients rave about them and they don't even know the esoteric principals, like you do, behind their formulation.  

International friends, email so that we can arrange affordable shipping rates to your country.


Our friends as CC do a great job balancing articles you won't read in the main stream media (MSM), along with insightful pieces of how the Divine Feminine is manifesting in the world today. We are thrilled to be a regular contributor to Cosmic Convergence and hope our readers will explore their site on a regular basis. Check out this National Geographic article just posted:

The highest goal of human life is to live to our fullest potential with ease, good health, and sound spiritual practices. We love how the play of consciousness unfolds when we embrace a radiant lifestyle.  Radiant Living now includes Our Spirit articles and postings on their site.                    

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