When a ray of wonder pierces your sadness, that's...

Radical Joy Revealed

Song of Ryebank Fields

July 17, 2024

Act of Beauty for Ryebank Fields, Manchester, England.

Global Earth Exchange 2024. Photo courtesy of Ali Davenport.

Dear Trebbe,

For this year's Global Earth Exchange, poet and activist Ali Davenport and her friends, Ayuko and Danielle, gave attention to Ryebank Fields in Chorlton, Manchester, England. In her story of their event, Ali says this about Ryebank Fields: "In its history it has been a claypit and an unofficial tip; now it’s threatened by a housing development. It felt good to lay campaigning aside and just be with the fields, not having to think about how to protect them; how to fight. We came back to what it was all about; connecting with the trees, grasses and wildflowers, and the expanse of sky with its birds, clouds and light." 

In her poem, "Song of Ryebank Fields," Ali expresses what it's like to be intensely present with a place and to see all its many aspects, past and present, ugly and lovely, as part of the whole.

The Song of Ryebank Fields

By Ali Davenport



It’s a small plot in the scheme of things.

Unremarkable on old maps; unnamed.

Ordinary history; field, claypit, recreational ground,

then left for nature to reclaim. 

Ryebank Fields.

Shadowed by city towers; new born, 

gleaming wealth. Cranes pointing arms to sky,

proclaiming growth. This is prosperity, they cry. 

Raze that shabby scrub.

What counts is how things look.

Wildness tamed, nature contained 

in municipal squares. What serves

is how things seem. Fake grass preferred.

Developers dipping plans in green;

washing them through to rinse out the heart.


The city chokes

under brick; reaches, dazed; tries 

to remember a time when it breathed

before mill & factory, 

before its forging as an altar to industry,

its story of souls yoked in smoke.

The memory of soil jolts its bones.


It starts here. This scruffy grass.

Lay down your hands.


to the Aspen Grove;

one tree, all clones. Baby to Pando

but see its shape, a shield like its name in Greek.

It has diamonds on its bark.

Look, The Fairy Tree!

Magical hawthorn, rooted in folklore;

spinning a glittery yarn or three.

Can you see the glimmering?

The flickering in the brambles?

Those tangles hide gems; small birds

seeking treasure in the brush, a bounty 

of insects in the mud, unfurling worms

in this flood-absorbing ground.

Old willow’s mossy limbs divine the gift.

You too can mine this land;

tap the acorn trove & tell a tale of potential.

These fields hold so much.

Give to their embrace. Look up,

where crows cross wide above the Nico Ditch.

There’s history in this place.

This earth. 


this blessing of being 

away from rooves.


Remember how it was.


It starts here.

Each patch in the city round 

from north to south: verges left,

lawns mown less, weeds welcomed 

in the beds. It’s not the look that counts,

it’s the wilder-ness

& the tending, 

oh, the tending,

not with manufactured love

but the care of re-connected hands

feeling their way through leaf & stem 

through root 

unearthing ancient hymns

awakening the quickening

the rush 

through every road & street

a honey kiss 

from north to south

the city round 

lit up

with hum

the shimmering hive

the Manchester Bee reborn

in new abundance

& where Manchester leads, 

the Chorus re-sounds


& when we’re done

- & that time will come - 

when nature reclaims the land,

cracks the city’s concrete into crumbs,

when we’re long gone,

what song will Ryebank Fields sing? 

It was a small plot in the scheme of things

but worth a city, 

worth the world,

these fields of gold 

       that shone

                                                  & shone

                                                                 & shone 


"Rice's Whale, Gulf Coast Wildlife and Waters"—The giant whale puppet, Mysticeti, makes an appearance at Birds of a Feather's 2024 Global Earth Exchange for the Gulf. Photo courtesy of Maria Rowan


of our

Our 15th annual

Global Earth Exchange

It is just amazing

what creative, heartfelt, collaborative things

people can do when they give some attention and beauty

to a place they love that's fallen on hard times!


We apologize for the very late notice of last week's cancellation of Earth Exchange Café due to a scheduling conflict.

Earth Exchange Café will be taking a summer break for the next two months and will be back September 11 to welcome a remarkable artist and humanitarian.

Listen live on our Facebook page and the following day on our website.

Wednesday, September 11

On September 11, Hari and Trebbe will be speaking with Lily Yeh, the pioneering artist of community works of art and healing from Philadelphia to Rwanda to a Palestinian community. She is a dynamic speaker who will make you fall in love with the human potential to make beauty from suffering.

Wednesday, October 9

Our guest will be Steffi Bednarek, editor of the new book, Climate, Psychology, and Change: Reimaginaing Psychotherapy in an Era of Global Distruption and Climate Anxiety, featuring articles by Francis Weller, Bayo Akomolafe, and Earth Exchange Café co-host Harriet Sams.


Earth Hospice: Hearing the Cries of the Earth

"The Earth itself isn’t dying, of course…. But something very dear to us humans really is dying, and that is our relationship with the Earth."

These are lines from Trebbe Johnson's article, just out in the new issue of Kosmos Journal, a magazine devoted to the bridge between science and spirit.

Climate Psychology and Change:

Reimagining Psychotherapy in an Era of Global Disruption and Climate Anxiety


Longtime RadJoy friend, activist and board member Harriet Sams is one of several acclaimed contributors to this important new book. Other authors include Francis Weller, Bayo Akomolafe, and Glenn Albrecht.

“This is more than a book. It is a treasure of radical ideas and profound insights. It is a book of wisdom!”

—Satish Kumar



July 10

and every two weeks

12:00-12:20 PM Eastern time U.S.

Hosts: Trebbe Johnson and Alison Cornish

A partnership between Radical Joy for Hard Times and The BTS Center

Join with Zoom link.

Join us for Earth Hospice Rites, an online, ongoing gathering place to lament, celebrate, share, and offer mindful attention to the places and species we love that are endangered.

Every two weeks we focus on a particular aspect of our changing planet. Past gatherings have been devoted to places we love that are faraway, breath and air, weather and climate, what continues to live unnoticed in our midst, and other reflections.

We meet for 20 minutes on Wednesdays from 12:00-12:20 PM Eastern time. The program is free of charge.

Upcoming gatherings will be June 26, July 10, and July 24.

Click here for the log-in information. If you would like to receive reminders of Earth Hospice Rites gatherings and follow-up emails after each program, email Trebbe Johnson.


Our June 10 Earth Exchange Café conversation with Francis Weller is now on our website!

Francis Weller is a psychotherapist, writer and soul activist, who is renowned for his work helping people accept and move through grief. Author of three books, including The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, he has introduced the healing work of ritual to thousands of people. He founded and directs WisdomBridge, an organization that offers educational programs that integrate the wisdom of indigenous cultures with the insights and knowledge gathered from western poetic, psychological, and spiritual traditions.

Most of our previous Earth Exchange Café conversations with fascinating people are also on our website. Watch and be inspired!


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