www.thehrteam.com | 410-381-9700
October 2018
Eileen's Lesson:
Sometimes we simply need to stop, slow down and ask for help from the right experienced people.
Did you have a favorite outdoor park or similar venue that you enjoyed as a child? I did, and we called it the “Duck Pond”. 
I loved to go to the duck pond with family, friends and the like to walk around, watch and feed the ducks.
One day, I was there with some friends and one of them saw this beautiful feather floating in the water. We all admired the feather for its shape and just “overall beauty”. It was close to the edge of the water, so the friend decided to just reach in and grab it. However, instead of grabbing the beautiful feather, she fell into the mucky water. Oops. The other friend reached over to help her get back to dry land and then, oops, she fell in too. What happened next? You guessed it! I reached in to help both friends and I also fell into the swampy pond. Now all three of us were in this mucky water together.  After a few tries and some resourceful help from my mother we were able to walk out of the pond and onto the path. You see, the pond wasn’t deep and it wasn’t something that required an army, just another perspective.

I learned a few things that day:

  1. Someone once told me that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results. I don’t know if we were insane, just simply in a tunnel where our thoughts just weren’t making sense. As a result, lending a hand seemed like the only path. 
  2. Simply following the leader also didn’t work.  One person said we should do it, and we did. We didn’t even stop to think if it made sense.
  3. If you want to get out of the muck, you need to ask for help from the right person and hopefully that person has experience. 

Sound familiar? Too many times I have seen business people try the same thing over and over, they try to do things too fast, follow the leader and fail to ask for help from the right people.

Sometimes we simply need to stop, slow down and ask for help from the right experienced people. Experienced people like the ones at The HR Team. So feel free to contact us . ..

Until next month!
Check out this month's HR tips below
& log onto our blog for more helpful info!
Cultivating Workplace Civility: It's Easier than You Think

Cultivating workplace civility is essential to promote dignity, respect and trust in the workplace. These positive feelings can boost productivity, reduce employee turnover, and increase employee morale. If you need additional guidance in...

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How to Spot Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying affects your bottom line. It's in the interest of every business to make it clear that bullying will not be tolerated. Want to make your workplace somewhere people want to work? Contact one of our HR professionals. Call...

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Industry News You Can Use
Social Security Announces 2.8% Benefit Increase for 2019

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 67 million Americans will increase 2.8 percent in 2019, the Social Security Administration announced today.

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Section 45S Employer Credit for Paid Family & Medical Leave

The IRS recently issued guidance on the employer credit for paid family and medical leave. The credit is a general business credit employers may claim, based on wages paid to qualifying employees while they are on family and medical leave.

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Meet Our Team:
Melissa Farrell

Melissa has over 18 years of human resources experience with a specialization in talent management including workforce planning, recruiting, training, performance management, employee development and employee engagement. She also has significant experience managing employee relations, benefits, compensation and compliance issues.
In the Community
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Each year, nearly 200,000 people in America receive the life-altering diagnosis of breast cancer. In Maryland, more than 4,000 families cope with that reality annually.

In fact, for some people, they may not be able to get treatment simply because they don’t have child care or cab fare, and some women have to make the choice between groceries and getting treatment! 

Founded in 2002, The Red Devils is a 501 (c) (3) organization based in Baltimore whose mission is to fund services that improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients and their families.

Our very own Eileen Levitt serves on the Board of The Red Devils and recently participated in the organization's PJ5K event (shown above sporting her horns of hope along with her dog Jada).
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