Climate Strike: Global Protest Kicks Off in Australia...

On Friday 20 September, millions of people led by Greta Thunberg and school students from Sydney to Delhi, Melbourne to London and New York, will march for urgent action on climate change. Follow for all the latest news

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The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is
the one thing all of
us share.
Lady Bird Johnson
World's Largest Hospital Solar PV Project Online Now In...

Amman, Jordan-based Philadelphia Solar announced that the 8.2-MW solar PV project that it installed at the Abdali Medical Center in Jordan has entered commercial operation.

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Solar Panel-Level Energy Storage Developer Yotta...

The solar power panel-level energy storage developer Yotta, based in Austin, Texas, has received $1.5 million in funding to continue work on SolarLEAF, the company's energy storage solution. (Several hundred thousand dollars in grant money has...

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Transformative? New Device Harvests Energy in Darkness

It doesn't generate much power, but it works during the one time of day that solar cells can't: night. Aaswath Raman was driving through a village in Sierra Leone in 2013 when an idea came to him as suddenly as, perhaps, a light bulb switching on.

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How Conservatives in Florida Can Get in the Game on...

To conserve is conservative. For far too long, conservatives have allowed energy issues to be championed by progressive liberals. Now is the time for conservatives to lead on energy policy, offer solutions that encourage innovation, stimulate...

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Solar Power Installation Techniques - Don't Do This!...

Solar installation inspection results of 100 sites in Rhode Island found 50% of large-scale projects had issues, while 83% of small projects had them - with 30% and 26% of those systems having "critical" issues, respectively.

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Wind-Solar Pairing Cuts Equipment Costs While Ramping Up ...

A western Minnesota wind-solar project is among the first of its kind in the country but won't be the last. A trailblazing wind-solar hybrid project in western Minnesota could be a preview of what's to come as renewable developers look for new...

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September 26, 2019, 8-9am MDT

The National Solar Tour hosted by ASES and SUN, October 5-6, 2019 is the largest grassroots renewable energy event in the nation .

SOLAR 2020 June 23-26, 2020 at George Washington University in Washington D.C. in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon . Details coming soon. For more info, contact

Solar@Work  is ASES's bulletin by and for solar pros.
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