The wedding season of 2021 started off with a bang and was nothing short of fantastic. Working with excited couples, many of which delayed their wedding in 2020, was so rewarding this year.
Every weekend the property was alive with music, people dancing, and jubilant celebrations. Friends and families enjoying being reunited with one another after a long year of separation.

Janine Thibodaux, wedding coordinator at Houmas House, approached the 2021 season with a renewed passion for weddings. "The wedding industry is a business, and a lucrative one. But this year it wasn't about the business.....this year was focused on love and gratitude. The couples getting married at Houmas House seemed to prioritize what getting married is all about- the union of two families. I guess being apart from the ones you love most put everything in perspective this year." Janine has been a wedding coordinator for twenty years and this year changed her. "I've always loved being part of each wedding from beginning to end. But in the height of a busy season sometimes it gets hard to see past the long days and nights and remember what the end goal is. Each weekend I found myself tearing up while talking to a bride and seeing the love in her eyes. It's been less about the flowers or the decorations. This year it was more important that a couple's Grandparents were able to attend their wedding and see the next generation of the family grow."

The Fall wedding season is only a couple short months away. We look forward to more celebrations of love, and for our grounds to once again be filled with music, laughter and life!