July 2024

Border Trade Alliance Board Meeting & Wilson Center's Mexico Institute conference on "Building a competitive U.S. Mexico border.

The Smart Border Coalition (SBC) was present at both border related events in the Washington D.C. area

  • BTA board meeting included representation by members of BTA Mexico, INDEX Mexico and INDEX Washington D.C.
  • Arizona Congressman Juan Ciscomani delivered a keynote address.
  • Congressman Ciscomani addressed that border related issues should be recognized and addressed as immigration issues, security issues and trade and commerce opportunities.
  • He also addressed staffing challenges in remote areas in the state of Arizona.
  • BTA is a strong advocate for border efficiency. We look forward to working closely to address border related issues in the Cali Baja region.

Wilson Center Meeting featured key panels including:

  1. The Border from a Congressional Perspective with Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Lou Correa (D-TX), and Greg Stanton (D-AZ).
  2. What's next for USMCA
  3. AI and Cybersecurity: New Technology and New Challenges for the Border
  4. China, Mexico and Cross-Border Trade

A link to the conference video recording and agenda can be found here

We had the opportunity to meet the incoming Consul General of the United States in Tijuana, Christopher Teal. We look forward to giving him a warm Cali-Baja welcome.

Celebrating Independence and Service: Consul General Tom Reott

Consul General Tom Reott once again hosted the most anticipated event in Cali Baja, the 4th of July Independence Ceremony. This celebration marks Consul Reott's final Independence Day in his current role, as he will be taking on new responsibilities within our region. We are fortunate that Consul Reott will continue to work in Cali Baja. The Smart Border Coalition is grateful and congratulates Tom for his years of dedicated service to the San Diego/Tijuana community.

SBC Board of Directors is grateful for years of service to our region.

Gracias, Tom!

Otay Mesa East Update: Full Port of Entry design MOU has been signed.

  • Sandag/Caltrans along with GSA and CBP have announced an MOU that allows agencies to fully design POE and select a contractor for the much anticipated project.
  • The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) enables these agencies to fully design the Port of Entry (POE) and select a contractor for the highly anticipated project.
  • This is a major advancement inmoving the project forward.
  • Discussions have included the potential to open the port for empty trucks or passenger vehicles heading southbound into Mexico during the initial phases.
  • Otay Mesa East Port of Entry will play a major role in our regions competitiveness.

Enhancing Border Efficiency: Key to Supporting San Diego's Tourism

  • The Smart Border Coalition recently met with Julie Coker from the San Diego Tourism Authority to discuss the critical role the border plays in the region's hospitality and tourism industry.
  • Every day, over 60,000 workers cross the border, many of whom are essential to the tourism industry.
  • Both groups emphasized that improving border efficiency is essential to ensure a secure and steady flow of these essential workers.
  • Ensuring a consistent workforce is crucial for the continued success of the tourism industry.
  • The Smart Border Coalition and the San Diego Tourism Authority are committed to collaborating on solutions to enhance border operations for the benefit of the entire region.

Cross Border Business Community in Unity: Vigil for Public Safety by CCE Tijuana

NADBANK - Smart Border Coalition Luncheon

Thursday, July 18th - 12:00 PM - San Diego Foundation Offices

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