MAY 6, 2024

Information for ministers, educators, church administrators, clerks, and congregations


Past Issues





In This Issue

  • Seven Small-Church Choices to Strengthen Your Ministry 
  • Higgins Commissioned to Serve Ashland Church
  • Gayton Kirk Hosts Queer Theology Podcast
  • Learn New Ways for Kids to Experience God Through Play
  • Presbytery Events
  • Church and Community Events 
  • Employment Opportunities

Seven Small-Church Choices to Strengthen Your Ministry

“We need to make better small-church choices,” writes Karl Vaters, author of five books on church leadership with 40 years of experience in small-church ministry. Not every program, worship style, and communication tool will work for every church. He stresses the importance of making choices appropriate to a congregation’s size. Read seven examples of choices that work in most small church contexts.

Read more

Higgins Commissioned to Serve Ashland Church

On February 4, Patricia “Trish” Higgins was commissioned as a commissioned ruling elder serving Ashland Church. She is a retired family nurse practitioner who raised her family in Charlottesville. She and her husband now live on the farm in Hanover County where Trish grew up. In addition to pastoring at Ashland, Trish is a clinical instructor for the University of Virginia School of Nursing and a full-time student at Union Presbyterian Seminary. 

Gayton Kirk Hosts Queer Theology Podcast

On May 17 at 7 p.m., the Gayton Kirk (PCUSA) hosts Brian G. Murphy of the Queer Theology podcast for "Queering Church: How Queerness is a Blessing to the Church, and How the Church Can Respond." Mark your calendars for this in-person event. It also will be live streamed on Facebook. 

Learn about the podcast

Learn New Ways for Kids to Experience God Through Play

Massanetta Springs invites you to a Playology workshop on June 4, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The concept helps kids experience God through the art of play. Learn recreation ideas to take back to your Vacation Bible School, youth group, or Sunday school. Discover team building games, no-equipment games, traveling games, and more. 

Learn more

Presbytery Events

Presbytery Office Closed

May 27

Deadline for Boundaries Training

June 1 (Updated)

Virtual option available

Installation Service

June 2, 4 p.m.

Rev. Crystal Varner Parker

Providence Forge Church

117th Meeting

June 18

Union Seminary

Call to Order: 9:30 a.m.

Overture deadline: April 23, noon

Packet online: June 4

View the presbytery calendar

Church & Community Events

View event details

Small Church Leaders Gathering

May 8, 1 p.m.


Hosted by Office of Christian Formation

PW Justice and Peace Book Discussion

May 13, 6:30 p.m.


Family Camp

May 17-19

Camp Hanover, Mechanicsville

Ceremony for Rev. Clark

May 18, 10 a.m.

Eastminster Church

Children & Youth Ministry Summit

May 20-24



Substance Use Prevention Training

May 23, 9:30 a.m.

VIPCare at Good Shepherd Baptist Church

Reflective Leadership Grant Deadline

May 28

Duke Divinity

Playology Workshop

June 4, 10 a.m.

Massanetta Springs

100th Anniversary Celebration

June 9, 10:30 a.m.

Forest Hill Church

Youth Servant Leadership Institute

June 17-21

The Pace Center at VCU

David LaMotte Concert

June 24, 7:30 p.m.

Massanetta Springs

226th PC(USA) General Assembly

June 29-July 4

Salt Lake City

Bible and Church Music Conference

July 21-27

Massanetta Springs, Harrisonburg

Clergy Couple Retreat

July 29-August 1

Massanetta Springs, Harrisonburg

Synod of the Mid-Atlantic Grant Deadline

August 1

PW Churchwide Gathering

August 8-11

St. Louis

Camp: A Planning Retreat for Clergy August 13-17

Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation at YMCA of the Rocky Mountains Estes Park Center


August 30-September 2 Camp Hanover

Scotland Trip

September 13-23

With Three Chopt Church, Henrico

Leadership in Ministry Richmond

September 16-18

Columbia Theological Seminar Center for Lifelong Learning at Roslyn Retreat Center

Young Adult Advocacy Conference

October 18-20

Union Seminary (Charlotte Campus)

View event details

Employment Opportunities

Learn about church employment opportunities or submit an opportunity to POJ's calls and jobs board.

  • Installed minister, Amelia Church (Amelia)
  • Part-time pastor, Holy Trinity Church (Richmond)
  • Pastor of youth and children, Three Chopt Church (Henrico)
  • Part-time accompanist, Providence Church (Gum Spring)
  • Part-time accompanist, Brandermill Church (Midlothian)
  • Yaupon Place project director, Union Seminary (Richmond)
  • Director of children and youth ministries, Three Chopt Church (Henrico)
  • Summer camp staff, Camp Hanover (Mechanicsville)
  • Summer camp nurse, Camp Hanover (Mechanicsville)
View job details
Submit an opportunity

Calls and Jobs in Nearby Presbyteries 

National Capital Presbytery

Presbytery of Eastern Virginia

Presbytery of the Peaks

Shenandoah Presbytery

PC(USA) Job Board

Association of Partners in Christian Education Job Board

Past Issues





The Current is published weekly. Submit an announcement for an upcoming issue by emailing editor Kelley Hope. Submissions due Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week. Send text (including a link to your website/Facebook page) in the body of your email or in a Word document. Attach photos to your email if desired. Please do not send graphics or flyers.

Office Telephone | (804) 262-2074

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